Electronics header
On this page you will find a list of manufacturers now available in our store show room for sale.

In accordance with our dealer agreements with these manufacturers, some products are only available in our store and not for sale online or via mail order. Others are available where indicated.

CONSUMER ALERT -- Beware of other Online Retailers selling these, or many other, fine audio and video products. The vast majority of them ARE NOT AUTHORIZED to sell the products they are offering for sale (no matter what their website says). Because of this, manufacturers will not honor the warranty on the product. You may save a buck, but your investment will not be protected.



Philips Logo

Denon Logo










Excellent ...

"The best experience I have had with an online retailer.
Not only were they courteous and prompt, the firmware
on my DVD player was upgraded to the latest edition
prior to shipping. I will definitely use their services again
in the near future". - Rodney, Atlanta, GA

Copyright © 2004 by The Speaker Shop. Updated 7/30/07