I will always have a soft spot in my heart for this group. Kimber was the lady who designed this web site for me and got me started in this wonderful world of web pages and on line groups and committees and graphic design. I am forever grateful to her because she opened up a whole new world for me. The ladies of WOSIB presented me with the most beautiful birthday book filled with adoptions, gifts, and messages and if you would like to see it as it was sent to me, here is the link:
My WOSIB Birthday Book
It is now July 17th, exactly one week after my birthday and I am going to start sharing with you everything that was sent to me, but my goodness, it may take me another month and maybe even another web site before I will finish getting everything uploaded and properly displayed. To all the beautiful ladies who so graciously sent me all these amazing birthday souvenirs, please be patient as I try to get all your gifts on line and I will get them all displayed. You have overwhelmed me with your generosity and thoughtfulness. Now I have to figure out how to show all of your creativity and sharing and do you all justice. Thank you all so very much.
I have to give a special thanks to Diane who designed my birthday book. Keeping in mind my Siamese Cat logo, on the front page of my book was a Siamese Cat. Thank you so much for making this book so very, very personal Diane.
I think above all the gifts which were sent to me, my favorite was this outstanding birthday quilt which was sent to me from the Quilters' Garden and was made up of squares from so many of the members of Wosib. To show it, I had to reconstruct it, and so it may not be exactly as it was presented to me, but here it is in all its splendor.
Dear Sisters of Wosib, this is just overwhelming, heartwrenching and extraordinary. I am amazed that you would take the time to do something like this for me. But, noooooooooooo, you couldn't leave it at that, could you? You had to really go overboard and send me even more gifts and more wishes and more, and more. Are you trying to make me feel special and important or something? Well, you sure have succeeded!!!! Talk about feeling like Queen for a Day!!!!! I am really having trouble taking all this in and I love you all for what you have done.
As, I said, there is more, believe it or not......
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