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Page 2

Peach Casual An outfit I made for Peach. (Super Mario Bros)
Blossom I drew her Anime style ^^ Since well the origianl style is harder for me O.o (Power Puff Girls)
Sketches Sketches of Peach, Bombomb, Toad and Goomba (Super Mario Bros)
Zooloo After playing at I found myself to draw Zooloo lol (Nutrinopets)
Pizza what a wonderful thing Mikey! man I love the TMNT! Now they've got a new series out it's just awsome. ^^ I entered this picture at a contest at (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Donny Another attempt at drawing TMNT ^^; This time I tried out Donny! :3 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Human Amy Pretty much what the title says o.o;; (Sonic Adventure)
Chel From Alien Dice ^^
Amy Wow! Amy with a look that I gave her (Sonic Adventure)
Chibi Storm I adore her eyes like that ^^ (X-men)
Chibi Rogue To be untouched.. (X-men)
Chibi Wolverine F you Bub lol (X-men)

Tomato Chia On a plater XD (Neopets)
Zafara My little neopet :3 (Neopets)
Methos For the R.T.C.O. Contest at
Digi costumeThis one of Methos dressed up as Capsimon. For the R.T.C.O. Contest at
CalvinI just love how his character is made. Mind you he's a hacker XD! For the R.T.C.O. Contest at
Legend Not much to say on this one. For the R.T.C.O. Contest at
Legend CrestAn oekaki I drew of Legend. I had this idea for a while and well Legend's crest seemed like the easyest t draw ^^; For the R.T.C.O. Contest at
Turtle agenda sketches I adore Donny and there he is with me XD That strap that goes across his chest is supposed to be his bag that he carries around. You know with all his nifty gadgets ^^ (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Turtle agenda sketches 2 Here he's carrying Jewels in the rain..I love my agenda XD I draw just too much in there and no picture looks finished, its funny lol (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Luigi Anime Luigi with a Boo behind him nya XD (Super Mario Bros.)
Halloween Amy I drew this for a Amy Halloween contest ^__^ I like it. It took me quite a while to get it done. (Sonic Adventure)
Casey and April My first art of them ever lol I used their looks from the new TMNT series on TV. (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Sad Princess Sadden Peach, Probably got captured again and wondering if she'll ever get out of there. (Super Mario Bros)
Leonardo Both in his original Turtle form and a human form that I invented for him ^^ He looks kinda funny in this picture, well i find o.o; (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
X-mass Mikey Chibi Mikey with a candycane ^^ I chose the wrong colored marker for his skin but its still good X3 (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
What?... This is something inspired by pictures drawn by Loolaa and Mirabex on DA ^^! Very silly with all those lip marks on Leo's face lol (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
