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band page!

My Favorite things about my band

hey yall! this is my band page right herre im gunna show u sum pics of our band and stuff

band symbol yeah, that's it
adam l, lead guitarist and vocals yeha that's adam, he's been my friend sence kindergarden and we have the same names and r cousins (hooda thunk?)
jordan, guitarist and vocals yeah we've been friends since i moved into this neighborhood.
jimmy joLLY, bassist me and jimmy have been friends since kindergarden, he lives in my neighborhood AND he's my cousin. WHOA small world
and now,,, the moment u've been waiting for... me!! adam wag, the drummer, booya i've been friends with myself since i was born and i live in the same neighborhood as myself AND im my own brother WHOA SMALL WORLD,
alrighty here's the groupy/roady section here's ben, groupy for about a month and here's louis,hoo is also my cousin and jimmy's cousin therefore being adam l's cousin, YEAH then there's KATE and well i don't have a picture of her, but she's a cool lady N'kay?! if you would like to be a groupy/roady, notify us and we'll get back to you about it.
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