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Paranormal Photographs?

A photo of a church in a district of Bolton. Above a grave appeared the image of a face, though the photographer noticed nothing unusual at the time. The photo was taken with a 2 megapixel digital camera and no flash was used. Was this some earthbound spirit? A recording of some past event being replayed for the camera?

This is a seemingly innocuous picture of an ordinary field, again in Bolton. But notice the large, black animal to the far left. The scrub the animal is prowling through would, according to the witness, make it at least six feet long. What is it?

Another strange animal caught on film. This unknown creature appeared in a lake, but the photographer only noticed a large splash which occured immediately after the picture was taken. When the film was developed a dark brown form can be seen emerging from the water.

According to the witness, this ufo shot across the sky at high speed, trailing three faint streaks of vapour. The object was travelling from east to west and made no discernable sound.

The photographer and witness to this event said he had noticed a strange light in the sky over the fields behind his house. Upon investigating he noticed a strange figure in the field. The resulting photo apparently shows a glowing object in the sky and below right, the strange figure.

Another ufo image. The photographer has apparently caught on film an immense object floating through the clouds. A rough estimate of the size of this ufo is at least 500 yards, which is truly remarkable.

Paranormal Photo Explanations
