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Paranormal Photo's Explanation

The explanation of the paranormal photo's on the previous page is simple. I did them. I took photo's with my digital camera and added a ghost, some creature images and some ufo's. Then I added a few comments like the ones you read in books or websites about the paranormal. The reason for this is also simple. I always thought is would be easy to fake paranormal images and I wanted to have a go to see if I could create anything remotely convincing. I don't know if anyone else will think they are convincing or not...that at least will remain a mystery.

Sky photo without ufo

Of course this isn't an attempt to discredit all photographs of alleged paranormal events or all the people who have taken these images or believe them to be genuine. I do actually have a problem with the so called "orb" phenomenon, as I've taken a few photo's that feature them and can't bring myself to believe there is anything remotely paranormal about them. The flash facility on my camera seems to furnish me with plently "orbs", particularly when there are lots of reflective surfaces in the personally I have to say I don't care for the idea. My goal here is to say that it can be easy to be fooled by what you appear to be seeing.

Ghostless churchyard

I have been interested in the paranormal since I was a child. I have had some experiences, though nothing earth shaking, but never encountered anything that I believed couldn't be explained. With rational thought, discovery and experience, I think most things can be explained. The problem for lots of people is that they don't like the humdrum accounts of what at first appears to be extraordinary. Of course at the moment, some things seem to defy a logical explanation, but there is so much in the world of the paranormal that is simply mistaken identity or deliberate hoaxing that many serious scientific researchers steer clear of the subject. At the moment there are events that cannot be explained with the knowledge that we possess today, but that doesn't mean they will always be mysteries. Our understanding of supernatural occurrences is limited, hopefully not for too long, but perhaps it is our own fault that when confronted by happenings beyond our every day experiences we feel inadequate and unable to deal with them.

Monsterless Lake

Many of the images I have seen of paranormal events I believe are simply mistaken identity. Reflections, lens flare and hidden light sources seem to account for an awful lot of ghost photo's. Take a look at the images at this Paranormal Phenomena website for alleged real ghost pictures and decide for yourself. To my mind, some of them aren't even slightly paranormal and several are perhaps merely photo's taken in strong electrical fields. Basically, you can't trust these photographs to be what they seem to be. Some witnesses may be genuine in their concerns of what their pictures seem to represent, but do these photo's represent anything truly supernatural?

Giant Cat-less field

One of the types of images that I am particularly wary of are the ones that seem to show unknown entities in mirrors. These can be photo's of anything, as you rarely, if ever see the whole of what is being reflected by the mirror, so you are left with the impression that there is something odd about the image. Many of these types of photo's are presented as "eerie" or "spooky", leading you into the assumption they represent evidence of ghosts or alien creatures. Another of this kind of photo are pictures of alleged ghost images in tv screens. Electrical equipment of this type seems to bear ghost like figures regularly enough to be worthy of detailed investigation. I have a good friend who has encountered this phenomenon and can say without doubt in that particular case the photo was genuine. What those types of pictures show is open for question, as is the whole subject, but with reflective glass screens and high electrical currents involved (a tv set retains much voltage after use even when it has been unplugged - one of the reasons you are supposed to leave them plugged in for a while when you turn them off) maybe ghost images in tv screens are not supernatural at all. I am not trying to dismiss anyone's story of unusual events here - who am I to gainsay anyone...I have zero proof myself - but I think there needs to be a clearer train of thought on the subject in order for us to begin to understand the mechanics of truly remarkable occurrences.


