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On this page are photo's of some of the fossils I have collected or I have had given to me during the years I have been interested in the subject. This page contains fossils from the Cambrian (520 million years ago) to the Eocene (52 million years ago). At the bottom of the page is a Geologic table showing roughly when various groups of animals arose, became extinct or survive to the present day.

Horsetail fern (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Worm Trail (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Coral (Silurian - 400mya)
Crinoid (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Bivalve (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Insect inclusion in amber (Eocene - 40mya)
Neuopteris Fern (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Brachiopod (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Trilobite (Cambrian - 520 mya)
Spinosaurus tooth (Cretaceous - 100mya)
Neuopteris fern (Carboniferous - 300mya)
Brachiopod (Jurassic - 180 mya)
Dactylioceras Ammonite (Jurassic - 180mya)
Perisphinctes Ammonite (Cretaceous - 100mya)
Shark tooth (Eocene - 40 mya)

Geologic Table (not including pre cambrian 4500-2500mya)
