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Things that quite possibly only happen to or are noticed by me

1) Phone conversations.

No matter how hard I try, I can never remember anything said to me over the phone.

2) Disabled parking spaces.

Am I the only one who has never seen a disabled person use one?

3) Signs half way up lamposts that warn there is a £500 fine for letting your dog poo on the floor.

Has anyone ever seen the poo police fine anyone?

4) Graffiti

Does anyone else think that the most annoying thing about it is the awful spelling?

5) Supermarket checkout operators

Why is it that they never know what price cucumbers are?

6) Schoolchildren

Why do they think cars will simply bounce off them?

7) Women drivers

When they give way and you drive past and wave, why do they look like at you like you have raped their granny?

8) Cashback in shops

Is this the most horrendous misnomer ever? You don't get anything back at costs extra.

9) BMW drivers

Is the highway code firmly in the "fiction" section of their library?

10) Sell by dates on bottles of water

Can water that has "filtered through volcanic rocks for a thousand years" really have a sell by date?

11) American pronunciation of English words

How can they get away with a song like "Lady Mar-ma-lard"? It's pronounced Mar-ma-layed....l-a-y-e-d...see?

12) Rap performing persons

Why do they point downwards when they are talking over their backing tapes?
What is that for?

13) Dogs

If they are your best friend, why do they start throwing up on the floor when you're least ready for it?

14) Why do people say, "It's always in the last place you look"?

You're not going to go on looking for something after you've found it!

15) TV remotes

Why do people thrust them at the telly and press the buttons harder and bang on the back of them rather than change the bloody batteries?