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Poems I Have Written

Don't Look Back

Don't look back with sadness

Think longingly of pleasant times
Take only a fleeting moment
For memories that give you pain.

Think of the smiles and the laughter

You shared in days gone by
Forget all the tears and heartaches
That bring sadness into your eyes.

Don't dwell on youthful fantasies

Dreams that could never be
Fantasies last only a moment
Until they are replaced by reality.

Mr. President

So young was he

When he was taken
One week ago
Leaving us heartbroken.

The nation mourns

His sad demise
For once he stood
Proud before our eyes.

His loved ones alone

Now mourn his loss
No more in play
His son will he toss.

No longer the questions

Of a little girl
Will he gladly answer
As he pulls her curl.

His loving wife

No more he'll kiss
For now 'tis the Grave
On whose bosom he'll rest.

Husband to his wife,

Leader to his nation,
Defender of his country,
True to his religion.

A president we loved,

One respected by all,
A giant of a man_____
Who died in the Fall. November 29, 1963

The Empty Trailer

Riding along the highway

My thoughts go winging back
To the empty trailer I'm hauling
On my return from the racing track.

I can see her now as she raced along

The wind in her golden mane
Her head held high as she passed me by
Running for the winning crown.

But sitting up high in the large viewing stand

The man with the gun aimed true
As the shot rang out mid the thundering hooves
That was the end of our gorgeous Bonnie Blue.

Now I'm pulling an empty trailer

As sadness fills my heart
It seems at times I feel the weight
Her body would impart.

But the empty trailer rumbles on

No more to haul Bonnie Blue
A true golden princess of a mare she was
A real winner through and through.

Shifting Sand

Once I loved a dear young man,

He cared for me and held my hand,
Then he went away to a far off land
Leaving me alone on the shifting sand.

His love proved false like many men,

A new young heart he is breaking in;
True love she won't find with this young man,
She'll be left alone on the shifting sand.

Young men have hearts that change always,

They can't be true for many days;
Even when they're old and hold your hand,
Their love is like the shifting sand.

My Love

My dearest love in all the world,

It means so much to be your "girl",
You came into my life at just the right time,
We stuck together through turbulent times.

Our love has endured pain and despair,

We are there for each other because we care.
We live all alone in our little home,
Children all grown and out on their own.

Your Birthday has come this millennium year,

It means much to me that you are here.
I depend on you for many things,
When I hear your voice my heart just sings.

You're a wonderful father and husband, too,

You're loved by your sons and your daughter true.
A friend when you're needed, you'll always be,
But most of all, you are loved by me.

Computer Crashed!

Computer crashed

Beware or I may cry.
Lost all my files and great pages,
Work, work, to get them back;
Time spent sitting on my butt
In front of the computer,
Begging friends to send URL's,
Downloading themes galore,
Saving pictures to My Documents,
Transferring them to Webshots,
Blurred images! Cry again!
What did I do wrong?
Beware of virus warnings,
Don't take them literally,
Don't just delete files.
Verify there is a virus!
Backup all your files
Fill those floppys with facts.
Send important items to your children
Safe unless their computer crashes!

Love and Memory

I'd like to think that I have helped

To lessen the hurt and pain
That started eleven years ago
When you would no longer see your wife again.
She left you a daughter to love and cherish
To help keep her memory alive.
Look at her with loving thoughts
And fondness mirrored in your eyes.

Do not think too much of death.

Recall the brighter days gone by
And look to the future daily
As you watch your love-child grow.
I love you dearly and hope I've helped
To dull the painful memories of the past.
I hope your love for me has grown
To be just a measure of what you knew in the past.

Mama Memories

I miss the days when you were small,

Three little darlings, one and all,
Now, you are grown, too old to rock,
But in my heart the memory still knocks
How you used to climb upon my knee,
Saying "Rock me, Mama" and "sing to me."
It gave me joy beyond compare,
It was worth it all to feel you there.
What wouldn't I give to go back one day,
To hold you again in the same old way.
Each little child, so sweet and good,
Sitting on my lap, how I wish I could.
But, there's no going back, you can plainly see,
I'll hold you again only in my memory.

Mama's Hands

I have my mother's hands.

I look at them every day,
Same long fingers and short nails,
Same age spots and wrinkles.

I look at my hands sometimes

And Mama's face I see.
Then, I feel her tender touch
Calming and soothing me.

I miss her soft hands

That used to hold to mine
While we walked along the sidewalk,
As we journeyed on our way.

We walked everywhere together.

We never journeyed alone.
We needed each other.
We had no one else.

My Love

It seems we just got married

Just a little while ago
It's only been seventeen years
And many more to go.
We seem to read each other's mind
And know just what to do
But then we stand and wonder
What the other wants from you.
The years have taught me patience
The years have taught me to share
As long as I know when I need you
I'll always find you there.
I still feel very insecure
About your love for me
I need for you to show me
Where I can plainly see.
Just hold my hand and smile at me
And give me a little squeeze,
Let me know you love me
And I'll do my best to please.


The day is fast approaching

My public work will end
I'll be a stay-at-home
I'll miss my many friends.

I'll miss the many patients

I've cared for through the years.
My days will consist of housework
Nights, books will bring me cheers.

I'll travel around and visit my kids

I'll worry them night and day.
They'll hate to see me coming
And wish I would stay away.

I'll call my friends at work

And interfere with their duties,
They'll tell me to cease and desist,
Or they'll send me a batch of cooties!


Ships on the ocean

Their sails billowing high,
Carrying them swiftly along
On the waves riding high.
I would love to sail the seas
And travel to distant lands,
See the beauty everywhere,
It would really be grand.
To sail along on the ocean blue
With snowy white sails above,
See the waves rising all around,
Rushing you toward high ground.
So let me sail on a brigantine
With full sails rigged aloft,
And let me stand on the foredeck
With the wind in my face so soft.
And while I'm sailing along
With the wind and waves around,
My spirit is free to fly
Where water and land abound.

Saying Goodbye

The time has come to leave you

The day is near to retire
You'll soon forget about me
A new nurse they will soon hire.

You'll forget my face and voice

You'll have a new co-worker near.
You'll see me on the street
And wonder "Who is there?"

I'll call you on the phone

Just to recall old times
You'll be so very busy
You'll say "Some other time!"

I love you each and every one

I'll remember you with fondness.
I'll say a prayer for your good will
And carry your face with me always.

Your One and Only

He was your one and only love

Who held you close when you were sad
He sat beside you when you were ill
He gave you love through all the years.

He gave you babies to hold and love

He was there beside you as they grew
He worked hard throughout the years
He gave you a home of your own.

You'll miss your one and only love

Now that he's gone away
No more smiles and jokes and laughs
No more "Good Morning,Mama" whenever you awake.

The sadness of missing him will gradually dim

As the years pass quickly by
You'll continue to love and miss him
Until death has dimmed your eyes.

Tragedy in America

The day of 9-11-2001 will forever live in our memory

It was a day when many lives came to an end
Our country was viciously attacked by terrorists
The attack came as a complete surprise.

I will always remember my exact location

The news was such a shock as to be almost unbelievable
My sympathy is with all the families of the victims
This is a time of awakening for the people of this country.

This will most likely be the beginning of war

An attack like this cannot go unanswered
Our children will be impressed into military service
Our sons, husbands and fathers will serve willingly.

I will not willingly relinquish my sons

They will go reluctantly to fight the terrorists
It is the correct and proper thing to do
But my mother's heart will want them to stay at home.

An attack of this magniturde must be answered

We cannot go on as before,
The President must respond vigorously
America! Take up your arms against terror!

The Road Ahead

The road is long and winding

With many hills to climb
Through storms and winds
That beat us back
That make us lose our way.
The road winds past
mansions and hovels
The storms beat on all alike.

There are many hidden valleys

Along the way we go
That give us shelter from the storms.
We rest and then we travel on
We fight the winds and storms,
With renewed strength we continue
on our way.

We find the road and keep our face

toward the sun
We look to the distant hills
We always travel onward and never
look back.
We meet the storms and winds
without fear.


Many days have come and gone

Many nights I've wondered why
Why did you leave me all alone
Why did you leave me here to cry?

I think of you every day

And wish I could talk to you
I wish you could tell me things
I can't remember any more.

My dearest mother, I miss you so

I feel so sad most days
When I think how many hours have come and gone
Since we laid your body to rest.

The days and years will come and go

Our lives will change and grow, I hope
We'll all be better persons
For having known and loved you so.
Jan.21, 1990


Every parent wants perfect children,

Little boys and little girls who do no wrong,
Children who are sweet and even-tempered,
Who don't drink, smoke, or curse,
Who wear modest clothes and are polite to their elders.
But that's not the way it's going to be.
All little boys throw tantrums and break things.
All little girls wear somebody's make-up and tell mommy tales.
Then, the little boys grow up and chase girls and drive fast cars.
The little girls grow up and chase boys and ride in fast-driven cars.
Bye and bye the little boys grow up with many bumps,
bruises, and broken hearts over the years.
One day your little boy and your little girl bring home a special friend.
Before long wedding bells are ringing and you have a new relative.
Now your child has a child whom they want to be perfect.
But little boys and little girls weren't meant to be perfect----
Not until you see that sweet smile, hear that baby
laugh, and feel that baby hand holding yours in complete love and trust___
Then, they're perfect!

Leaving Friends

Leaving my friends is a little like dying.

I won't see them every day like now.
I'll wonder what they are doing each night,
But I won't see them to know what is happening.

It's like losing a member of the family--

You think about them but they're not there.
There is a void where friends used to be,
A hole in your heart that can't be filled.

I'll be at loose ends for something to do,

I'll wander through the rooms at the house.
I'll look at the clock and know they're there
Doing the job I did---just fine without me.

My last night at work will be sad,

I'll hate to say good-bye to one and all.
I'll leave part of my heart behind me,
Needed no longer to walk the halls.


I found a friend on the internet

And Kimberly is her name.
She is young and full of life
And a very generous person.
She has spent her time and energy
Making web pages for my use.
She is one in a million,
A true angel of mercy.
I consider myself fortunate
To be able to call her my friend.
We chat on the messenger
Keeping each other company.

The Maiden

Whenever I write to you,

You always answer me,
You're always very kind,
Sometimes you even seem to read my mind.
Though we've never met
You're one lady I won't forget,
The thoughtful things you've done at my request,
Your many kind words and good wishes.
You make beautiful themes,
Some are just for me,
You're a special kind of person, My friend you will always be.


Another year has begun with sunny days

No snow has come to hinder our travels
Warm winds blow the leaves across the yard
But sad memories come with the New Year.
My beloved mother passed on to Glory in 1989,
Leaving me to face the future without her
Always, she was there to guide and counsel me
Always, wanting only the best for my family.
She is missed so much as I face each day
Wondering what she would do or what say,
Wanting to call and chat a bit about the past
Knowing those times are gone, they could not last.
Each of us must meet our own destiny
And make memories to leave behind
Hoping we will be lovingly remembered
At some future day and time.


Harness Time

I'd like to harness time for a while

And turn it back some years
I'd like to live over happier days
To balance out all the tears.
I'd like to go again to days of long ago
When my heart was light with gladness
And no shadows lurked so close
And the nights weren't filled with ghosts.
But time marches on with relentlessness
Shadows lurk close to my side
Nights bring dreams of wishful days
When I was young and unafraid.

The Rocking Chair