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A Little Sparrow

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A Little Sparrow

I am only a little sparrow
A bird of low degree
My life is of little value
But the dear Lord cares for me

He gave me a coat of feathers
Tis very plain I know
With never a speck of crimson
For it was not made for show

But it keeps me warm in winter
It shields me from the rain
Were it bordered with gold and purple
Perhaps it would make me vain

I have no barn or storehouse
I never sow or reap
God gives me a sparrow's portion
But never a seed to keep

If my meat is sometimes scanty
Close picking makes it sweet
I have always enough to keep me
And life is more than meat

I know there are many sparrows
All over the world they're found
But our heavenly Father knows
When one of us falls to the ground

Though small, we are never forgotten
Though weak, we are never afraid
For we know that the dear Lord keeps
The lives of the creatures He made

I fly through the thickest forest
I light on many a spray
I have no chart or compass
But I never lose my way

Author ~ Brenda ~


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Please Do Not take this globe. It was specially made for me by my daughter. Thank you.

<bgsound src="FootstepsWalkingWithMe_DanielODonnell.wav" loop=infinite>

Footsteps Walking With Me ~Daniel ODonnell~

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