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Lesser Known Children's Books

This heart-warming tale of young curiosity and tomfoolery takes place at a quaint little hardcore sex club in Las Vegas.

Book 2

Great fun and laughs for the whole family as little Johnny and his psychotically-insane mother taunt and provoke the AIDS-ridden Simon. However, the fun really begins when the mentally distraught Simon finally snaps and takes to them with a blood-filled syringe. Hilarious!

At long last, a spine-tinglingly funny look at the wonderous world of abattoirs and needless animal cruelty. Your sides are sure to split as you plant all manner of mental disorders in your children's young, developing brains - simply whip out this classic after a big feed of steak or chicken, or perhaps the traditionally-effective Meat-Lovers Pizza Supreme, and enjoy the results!

Rupert is a Vietnam war veteran who just can't let go of the past. Join our friendly, short-tempered hero as he takes your children on a rollercoaster ride through the delightful world of road rage. Witness the savage beatings, the hit-and-runs, and even the occasional murder at the hands of our wacky leading man, Rupert. He just doesn't know how to stop!