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Afterwards: Chapter 10: Back To Normal

Kindlin paced the floor of Nick's and her bedroom, waiting for him to finish getting ready in the bathroom. It'd been two months since she'd first asked Nick to help her through her problem... two months since she'd first admitted to herself that it was, indeed, a problem. Since then, she'd been taking her medicine, seeing Dr. Julie regularly, and progressively getting better... with the exception of a few falling outs, every now and then.

The worst time had been about a month after her point of wanting help. She'd been home alone with the kids for the first time in that month, and everything had been going good until Alex decided to paint the refrigerator with colorful crayons. Kindlin had gotten so mad that she'd grabbed Alex by the shoulders and given him a firm shake, "You don't color on the fridge, Alex! You know that! Your father and I have told you that countless times!!" she'd said. But it was the look on his face that had made Kindlin's hands stop their rocking motion on his body. She'd fallen to her knees and wrapped her arms around his small frame, and when she began to cry, he began to cry.

From that moment on she began to take her meetings with Julie more seriously.

"Nick, you're taking longer than a girl!" Kindlin called through the bathroom door, looking at her watch briefly. "We're late," she whined.

Nick laughed and stepped from the bathroom, "Calm down, girl. It's not a sin to be fashionably late."

"You're right, it's not. But I believe that thirty minutes exceeds the 'fashionably late' mark."

Nick grabbed her around the waist and kissed her heatedly.

"What was that for?" Kindlin laughed, while fanning herself, and only half joking.

"Nada, mi chica! I'm just really excited for you."

"I can't believe AJ's throwing this 'she's becoming sane again' party. I think I should feel insulted."

Nick laughed, "Kin, that's not what it is and you know it! It's a birthday part for you."

"And nothing more?"

"And nothing more."

~ * ~

"Hi, how are things going at home now??"

"Are you feeling better?"

"Is Nick finally able to leave you alone with the kids?"

These questions came from distant acquantiances all night --- she merely gave a small, semi-polite smile, before turning on her heel and walking away.

Questions of that nature had been flowing throughout the party, and by the time it was time to cut the cake Kindlin felt like screaming. But she suppressed it long enough to slice the first piece of the huge chocolate cake - and afterwards she stepped outside to get a breath of air.

"Hey, you okay, Kinny?" Brian asked, walking out onto AJ's back deck, where Kindlin sat, looking out of AJ's property.

Kindlin turned around at the sound of her 'brothers' voice, "Hey, Bri. Yeah, I'm fine, I guess. It was just getting a tad bit crowded in there."

"I hear ya. I was getting sick of people stepping on my feet."

Kin smiled before looking back out at AJ's land, lit under the moon, and gestured for Brian to take a seat next to her.

"So how've you and Nick been? As a couple."

"As a couple? Pretty good. Better than a few months ago. You and Leigh?? I haven't seen my main chica for a long time."

"Yeah, I know. She mentioned that the other day. We're excellent."

Kin smiled, before pausing... "Bri, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure. Hit me with it," he smirked.

Kindlin laughed and as she spoke, she hit his arm, "Did I ever make you feel nervous when you'd watch me with my kids?"

Brian was smiling at her joke of literally hitting him, but then the reality of what she was saying sunk in. "Oh, Kin... No, of course not."

"Are you just saying that 'cause you're my brother? Or do you really feel that? I mean, I came here tonight, ready to celebrate my birthday with all my friends and I'm only gonna leave here, feeling like crap. All anybody's wanted to say to me is that they're so glad I'm finally becoming a good mother."

Brian sat next to her in silence for a moment, before reaching over and pulling her into a hug. "Kindlin..."


"I love you - The guys all love you - Nick loves you... And your kids love you. Okay?"

She looked up at him and smiled, "Thanks, B."

~ * ~

"Sing hallelujah to the Lord," Kindlin sang at the top of her lungs, opera-style, as she walked through the house, picking up baby toys as she went.

Nick laughed, "You're awfully hyper today," he was folding laundry at the couch and Kindlin smiled while watching him. She loved watching him do house work - it was extremely sexy to her.

Kin jumped on his back, while grinning, "Yep! Guess who was accepted into Preston Preschool!"

"No way! Alex?!" Nick tossed her onto the couch and knelt in front of her, on the floor.

"Yup! Our eldest is a genuis," she joked with a giggle.

"Oh, Kin, that's so awesome! Where is he?!"

"He's at your mama's."

"This is so great! I'm so proud. Gi'me a kiss."

Kin laughed before pecking his lips lovingly. "I'm happy," she chirped.

"So am I, baby. So am I!"