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Afterwards: Chapter 2: Going Through The Symptoms

...And baby, I know I need you Oh, oh Yeahh...

...And baby, I know I need you Oh, oh Yeahh...

...I need you tonight (I need you, oh I need you, baby) I need you right now...

-I Need You Tonight, by Backstreet Boys (CD: Millennium)

Nick groaned when he stepped into the kitchen, later that night. He'd just been in the entryway of their home, saying goodbye to Brian and Leighanne, who'd come back over to pick the kids up. Kindlin was at the kitchen doing dishes... like always. If it wasn't plastic plates with half dried macaroni and cheese stuck to them, it was t-shirts and jeans that had far too many mud stains on them.

"Kin..." he said, wearily, from the kitchen doorway.

Kindlin turned around, looking flustered and preoccupied, "Yeah."

For some reason, unknown to Nick, Kindlin had refused - from day one - to stick their kids with a nanny... at any given time! She felt that she'd been put in the care of too many babysitters, as a child, and as a result of that she'd never been close to either one of her parents, especially her mother. She didn't want that for her kids. But at times, Kindlin would give anything for a little help around the house... even with the children, though she wouldn't admit to it now. She'd made too big of a stink about her, and only her, taking care of their kids, when Nick was gone, when they'd sat down and had the "no nanny" discussion. They had Cynthia, a cleaning lady, come over twice a week, but that wasn't enough when you have four little children running around the house.

Nick walked around the kitchen's center island and came to stand in front of her, his hands resting on her shoulders. "Kin... stop."

"Stop what?" her eyes made no contact with his.

"Kindlin, stop working so hard. You don't need to do the dishes! We can have Cynthia come tomorrow, instead of Wednesday, and she can do the dishes and everything else. Better yet... How 'bout I take you upstairs and give you a massage and then tomorrow I'LL clean the entire house. Dishes and all. I don't have to go into the studio tomorrow."

Kindlin knew she loved him for a reason, but dayamn it was times when he said things like that that she knew he truly was her angel from above. You have no idea how many dishes were piled up in that sink. But still... she felt guilty. Sure, she wanted his help. Sure, she wanted to take him up on the offer, but shouldn't she be the one doing the dishes, and cleaning the house, and taking care of the kids? She was the mom, she was the wife... it was her job. And now was not the time to get a much-needed massage... she had dishes to do. But Nick had already begun to guide her up the staircase, before she'd even realized that they'd left the kitchen.

...And when I wake up to The touch of your head on my shoulder You're my dream come true Oh, yeah Girl, you know I'll always treasure Every kiss and every day I love you girl, in every way And I always will 'cause in my eyes Ooh, baby

No one else comes close to you No one makes me feel the way you do You're so special, girl, to me And you'll always be, eternally...

...Girl, can't you see that No one else comes close to you...

-No One Else Comes Close, by Backstreet Boys (CD: Millennium)

Kindlin sighed as Nick's hands kneaded the warm skin of her bare back. He was straddling her thighs, and with every sigh or moan of pleasure that escaped Kin's lips, she could feel him getting more and more turned on. Her proof was poking her ass.

Nick's hands stopped their trek, when they reached her lower back again. He leaned forward, his shirtless chest pressed against her, and kissed the spot behind her ear, gently, before moving down her neck and across her shoulders. The feeling, which Kindlin and Nick hadn't had in a while, of skin against skin was too much for her, causing the juices between her thighs to begin flowing.

Nick rolled her over, gently, his fingers brushing the crotch of her underwear, and noticed how wet she was. As his lips, tongue, and teeth lightly kissed, suckled, and nipped at her soft, tan skin, Kindlin's thoughts suddenly went to her kids and the fact that they were away from home for the night and were probably wondering why their "horrible" parents had sent them away (when in all actuality, they were having a complete blast away from home). It happened every time. She didn't understand it! It frusterated and confused her. Here her husband was, lavishing her body in his wonderful kisses, and her thoughts were on her children and whether or not they were thinking about what a horrible mother she was? It seemed cruel to her... to send them away for the night, and while they were crying for their mother and father, to actually find some enjoyment and fulfillment. The only thing she wanted, at the moment, was to have a beautiful orgasm... and she felt guilty for that.

Having sex, with their four little children in their rooms down the hall (where they usually were), to Kindlin, seemed like such a horrible thing for a mother to do. That just wasn't a 'mommy' thing. A mother should get up; get the kids ready for the day; make them their meals; play with them; watch those God-forsaken TV shows, such as Barney, with them; and then at the end of the day, crawl into bed, cuddle up to her husband, and fall asleep. Not scream his name, for any sexual reasons at all.

As Nick's hands began to inch her underwear off of her hips, Kindlin could feel the tears welling up behind her closed eyelids. She opened her eyes, when they began to sting, and let them fall down her face.

What's wrong with me? she thought as more and more began to come harder and faster; and before she knew it, she was sobbing, her body shaking with anguish.

Nick closed his eyes for a brief moment, before laying down and pulling her into his arms in a tight embrace. He felt so scared, at the realization that he had no control over what had been beginning to take place in their family, long before he'd been willing to admit it.

He didn't know what was happening to them, he didn't know what was going on inside of her... he just knew that they needed help... fast.