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Afterwards: Chapter 4: Wrong Choice of Words

Nick picked up the phone, the next morning, and dialed the doctor, who's business card Nick held in his hand, quietly. He spoke in a hushed tone, to the receptionist, scheduling an appointment for later that week. As he hung up, he got a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, feeling that Kindlin wasn't going to take this very well.

Leaving the den, he walked up the stairs and into the family room, where Kindlin was picking up baby toys off of the floor. "Kin? Can I talk to you?"

Kindlin looked up, seeming stressed and overwhelmed, "What, Nick?" she continued to busy herself with the messy room.

"I set up an appointment, for Friday, with Doctor Messer. He said I can go with you though, if you'd like."

Kin sat there for a moment, trying to find what to say next. 'Like hell I'm going to that worthless doctor'? 'Sure, honey'? She chose something more along the lines of the first one, "Well, you can forget it, Nick Carter! I'm not going to some doctor for freaks who can't take care of their own children! I can take care of my kids, d*mnit!!"

Nick's eyes widened as he looked away, trying to keep his tone of voice calm and rational, "Kin... I never said that you couldn't."

"Well, you implied it and I don't appreciate my own husband sending me to a freak-doctor! I'm not going, so you can shove the idea up your ass!"

"Kindlin Nicole, you're going and that's that!! You need this, got it?!"

Kindlin's eyes narrowed to small slits. "I'm not mental!! Julie said so herself!"


She stared at him in silence for what seemed like hours to Nick, and though he knew, as soon as the words had escaped his lips, that it was a mistake, he said nothing. Kindlin picked up a soft-fabric baby rattle and threw it at him, hitting him square in the chest. Her eyes were filled with anger, and for a moment Nick thought she was going to cry... but she didn't.

"Kin... baby, I didn't mean it that way," he whispered, looking down, his hand rubbing the back of his neck, feeling tense.

"F*CK YOU!!" Kindlin stormed from the house, slamming the door on her way out.