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Afterwards: Chapter 5: For You

Nick sighed and literally paced the room until she came back, 2 hours later. By then the carpet was practically faded. "Kindlin..." he said as she came through the doorway.

Kindlin glanced his way before walking up the stairs and to their bedroom. Going into the bathroom she brushed her teeth and hair, before stepping back into the bedroom and grabbing her pajamas out of the top drawer, the whole time acting as if she didn't even notice Nick was there.

"Kin... I didn't mean what I said. I mean... I didn't mean for it to come out that way." When there was no response, he continued, begging, "Kin... please! Talk to me... Acknowledge my presence at least..."

She finally turned to look at him, her face expressionless.

"Can I explain?" he waited for no response, knowing he wouldn't be getting one anyway. "I know you're not mental, baby. I wasn't implying that at all. Just like Julie said many women get this... but if you want to get better you have to go to the doctor. Please, love... Do this for me."

Her eyes watered at the expression on his face. She knew that he only wanted her to get better because he loved her so much, but going to Dr. Messer would only be admitting to herself, and everybody else, that she really wasn't in control of her own body and emotions -- and she hated the feeling of that... of having to depend on somebody, or on a medicine, to feel sane.

Nick's own eyes misted as he pulled her close, holding her tight for a few moments, before she began to relax against him. They held each other for what felt like hours - to the two of them - until Aaron began to cry, like he did every night. Kindlin sighed against Nick's chest, tightening her grip on him, before letting go and taking his hand. They walked to Aaron's room and opened the door, stepping inside. Kin picked him up and rocked him back and forth until his cries died down. She kissed his forehead, as Nick kissed his cheek, and then placed him back into his crib. The two walked from the room and back to their bedroom, quietly, so as not to wake Alex, Ashley, and Aisya.

"Nicky," Kindlin whispered as they lay side by side, that night, just thinking silently to themselves.

"Yeah?" Nick's tone was soft as he rolled over onto his side and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close.

"I'll go to the doctor... if that's what you want," she didn't want to go - she didn't want to go at all - but she knew that if she didn't he wouldn't be very happy with her... and she hated when he was upset with her.

Nick ran his lips across her cheek gently, "Thank you, honey. I love you."

"I love you too," she sighed... as she dreaded Friday.