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Afterwards: Chapter 6: Some Things Are Just Too Hard To Swallow

Kindlin rested her head against the car window, as her and Nick drove to the pharmacy, Dr. Messer's prescription sitting on Nick's lap. Nick frowned, reaching his hand over to hold hers, but Kindlin shied away. She'd been in a horrible mood all day and quite frankly he was getting d*mn sick of it.

He swerved the car over to the side of the road in a sudden moment, slamming on the breaks so hard that Kindlin had to throw her hands onto the dashboard so her unbuckled body wouldn't bash into it. "God d*mnit, Kindlin, I'm sick of your attitude. Stop acting like a baby!"

She glared at him silently and when Nick realized he wouldn't be getting anything else he pulled back onto the highway, at high speed.

Maybe I am being a little irrational... after all it isn't Nick's problem... it's mine. I'm the one who isn't capable of taking care of the kids, she thought as she shrank deeper into her seat, covering her eyes from the glare of the sun.

It was then that Nick's speed slowed to the speed limit and he tried again to grab her hand, and this time... she didn't refuse.

~ * ~

Nick walked into the house, Kindlin walking a little slower behind him, and pulled the medicine bottle out of the little brown bag. He looked at it, before heading to the kitchen and getting a glass of water. Water and pill in hand, he went up to the bedroom, where he figured she was, and walked inside quietly. She was lying in the bed, her eyes shut tight, and was rubbing her temples in a circular motion, with the tips of her fingers, trying to rid herself of the head ache that was attacking her forehead.

Nick walked over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to where she lay, and placed the glass of water and the pill on the nightstand. He ran his thumb across her jawbone, gently, "Are you okay, love?"

Kindlin shook her head 'no', "I have a head ache," she sighed. "Can you get me some advil?"

He picked up the pill and held it in front of her face, "How 'bout you take this instead."

She opened her eyes and looked at what he was holding, before casting her gaze up to him, warily, "Fine..." she popped the pill in her mouth and waited for him to hand her the water, before taking a swig of it.

Nick watched her swallow, and smiled at her, "Thanks, baby..." he kissed her forehead lightly, before standing up and walking to the window. He looked at the moon, hoping that maybe now things would begin to get back to normal -- whatever 'normal' was -- before opening the window a crack, to let some fresh air into the room.

While Nick's back was to her, Kindlin put her fingers in her mouth and pulled the pill out, shoving it underneath her pillow, before he turned back around. She smiled at him, when he did, and patted the spot on the bed next to her, motioning for him to join her. As he laid down next to her, she rolled over on top of him, kissing him passionately.

As soon as they were done making love, for the first time in a month, she would discard the pill. There were some things she didn't mind swallowing - other things that she loved swallowing ((AN: haha)) - but those pills weren't on either list. Maybe... just maybe... she could pull this off.