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Afterwards: Chapter 7: Toilet Mishaps

~ * ~ 2 Weeks Later ~ * ~

Nick walked into the house after a day of dance rehearsals. He found Kindlin in the kitchen, cleaning the dishes frantically. Kin's body hadn't had any visible response to the first couple pills, so Nick had taken her back to the doctor - against her will - and Dr. Messer had prescribed a stronger medication... but still, it didn't seem to be making her any better at all. And Nick was beginning to feel suspicious.

"Hey Kin baby, easy there on the dishes, girlie," he laughed, trying to hide his worry. "Take your pill yet today?"

Kindlin's jaw clenched. All Nick talked about were those d*mn pills. It was almost as if life was centered around her swallowing those things. So she surrendered, to make him happy... to make his life somewhat easier. She took the pills... or so he thought... and that was all that mattered, right?

"No," she spoke testily.

Nick nodded and reached for the little bottle that sat on the counter a few feet from her. He twisted the child-proof lid off and shook a pill into the palm of his hand. He handed it to her with a small smile.

Kindlin took the tablet, poured herself a glass of water, and popped the tablet into her mouth, taking a gulp of water. She smiled at him, before turning to leave the room.

"Where are you going?"

The suspicion in Nick's voice irritated Kindlin, but she stayed cool... "I have to pee, do you have a problem with that?" she laughed. She'd gotten good at talking with something under her tongue.

Nick smiled at her, "No, it's cool."

In the bathroom, Kin took the tablet from her mouth and tossed it into the toilet bowl, flushing it. As she walked from the bathroom she didn't realize that the toilet hadn't flushed all the way, and that the pill... had come back up.

Kindlin smiled at Nick, upon re-entering the kitchen, but what she felt like doing was crying... for all that she was doing to Nick... for all that she was doing to herself... but most of all - for all that she was doing to them.