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Afterwards: Chapter 8: I Want To Believe You... But I Can't

Later that night Nick walked into the bathroom, lifting the toilet seat back up. He unzipped his jeans, to take a wiz, when he saw something floating in the toilet bowl. Grabbing the plastic cup that sat on the counter, for anybody who got thirsty in the middle of the night, he dipped it into the water, scooping the pill into the cup. Nick stared at it in disbelief. Pulling it out of the cup, he rinsed it off, thankful that it was a gelcap so that it wouldn't dissolve, and stuffed it into his pocket.

~ * ~ 2 days later ~ * ~

Kindlin walked into the house with Aaron on her hip. Shutting the door behind her with her foot she walked up the staircase to put the baby to bed. Once Aaron had fallen asleep, Kin walked back down the stairs, running into Nick on her way to the kitchen. "Oh!" she yelped in surprise. "Hi! I thought you were gonna be at the studio today..."

"I was. I'm just home early," Nick spoke, his eyes looking deep into hers.

Kindlin made a weird face. Nick had been acting odd for a couple of days now and Kin was beginning to wonder what was up. "Um... is there a particular reason why you're looking at me like that?"

"Will you take your pill for me, Kin?" Nick pulled a tablet out, handing it to her.

She waited for him to leave the room and when he didn't she sighed, "You're gonna stand here and watch me? Why are you being so weird lately?? You act like you have to make SURE I'm taking it. Stop acting like my father, Nick, I've been taking the d*mn pills!"

"Well, I don't know, have you been?!" Nick took the pill, that he'd found in the toilet a couple of days ago, out of his pocket.

Kindlin's eyes widened, noting the fact that the colors had faded --- it looked like it'd been in water for a while. She quickly regained her composure, "Um, yeah Nick! That's a pill... spelled: p-i-l-l," she spoke like she was talking to a kindergartener.

Nick glared at her, his nostrils flaring, "Kindlin Nicole Carter, I know what the hell it is! But I found it in the toilet - now you better tell me what the f*ck it was doing there."

Kindlin's icy glare faded as tears welled in her eyes, her lower lip trembling, "I take my pills, Nick."

"So it just fell in the toilet??!"

"Maybe!" her voice wavered with emotion, "But I take my pills."

Nick wanted to believe her. He really did. But this was all too weird. First, the pills not working how they should be. And second, finding one in the toilet. "Then take this one," he grabbed her hand and placed the first pill that he'd presented to her, in the palm of her hand. "Take that one."

By now there was an endless amount of tears falling down her flustered cheeks. She gathered spit in her mouth and placed the pill on her tongue, swallowing. Nick placed his hand under her chin and for a minute she thought he was going to carress her skin, but then he opened her mouth and looked inside.

"Lift your tongue," he said, his voice steady.

Kindlin began to sob as she lifted her tongue, showing him that she had indeed swallowed it. Nick nodded, before leaving the room and going upstairs to their bedroom. Kin covered her face, her shoulders shaking with each new sob, and ran from the house, over to her car. She got in and pulled her keys from her pocket, starting the engine.

As soon as she got to the beach she ran to the trash can and shoved her fingers down her throat, trying as many ways as she could think to throw the pill up, but nothing worked. So she sat down on the cold sand and cried.