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Any Lucky Penny: The Story

Baby, look around See that I'm nowhere to be found You wanna feel me near Then close your eyes and I'll appear

And dream over me, with a tear Anything it takes to wish me here Oh, magic and sweet lullaby's Any lucky penny will do fine Oh, to wish me here

Your arms are open wide Waiting for me to run inside I'll meet you in the clouds Please, use your power to bring heaven down

And dream over me, with a tear Anything it takes to wish me here Oh, magic and sweet lullaby's Any lucky penny will do fine Oh, to wish me here

And when we're face to face The world just fades away So take me to the place Where it's just you and I Every single night

And dream over me, with a tear Anything it takes to wish me here Oh, magic and sweet lullaby's Any lucky penny will do fine Oh, yeah, yeah

And dream over me, with a tear Anything it takes to wish me here Oh, magic and sweet lullaby's Any lucky penny will do fine Oh, to wish me here

-Any Lucky Penny, by Nikki Hassman (CD: Dawson's Creek soundtrack)

Nick gulped. "Is it a dream?"

Mel looked around at their surroundings. "Yeah... Yeah, I think so. Whatever you do, don't pinch yourself," she smiled, jokingly.

Nick grinned. He missed her sense of humor, around the house... he missed her.

"It must be a dream, huh? What else could it be?" Mel mused. "Now that I'm gone, and all."

Nick shook his head and walked over to her. "No, Mel... Don't talk about that." he went to put his arms around her, but she stepped back before he could.

"Nick, you might wake yourself up."

"Nah, I'm in a deep sleep."

Mel smiled gently, moving a strand of hair from his eyes. "For the first time in months."

"You-You know I haven't been sleeping?"

"Of course I do, Nicky. I watch you 24/7. There's not a moment that goes by that I'm not watching you. Did you think I got to Heaven and forgot about you? Of course not, you were my husband. You still are my husband, even if I'm dead or not."

"God lets you watch me and dwell on the past? There's no tears in Heaven."

"Of course there's not. But I don't feel sad when I'm watching you. There's no sadness up there. It's wonderful. But anyway... when I'm looking at you, I just feel happy that you're healthy and, although sad that I'm gone, happy with life. I look forward to the day that you're up in Heaven with me. But you need to remember to enjoy life while you have it. 'Cause you never know when it'll be gone. Cherish the relationships you have. And live life to the fullest... without making too many stupid decisions, of course." she smiled, teasingly.

Nick wrapped his arms around her, giving her a loving squeeze and kiss on the top of the head. "I miss you being there everyday. I miss everything about you. Every little thing, that I never even noticed, I now notice isn't there anymore."

Mel leaned up and kissed him gently. "Baby... things will get better. I promise you." her voice and body slowly began to fade in and out.

"Mel? You're fading..." he reached out for her, only to find that his hands went through what was once her solid form, but was now transparent.

"You're waking up, Nicky..." she sniffed, quietly, fading more than before and for longer amounts of time.

"Mel, are you crying?" Nick asked urgently, feeling water forming in his own eyes.

"This isn't Heaven. It's only your dreams. I love you, Nick."

"I love you too, Mel. Please, don't go," he begged, tears coarsing down his cheeks at a fast pace.

"I have to, Nick. You have to wake up and start the day. The world's still spinning and you have to go on, without me. Next time you want to see me, close your eyes and I'll be there. I promise. I love you, Nick..." her voice echoed as she faded away and came back again.

Nick's eyes suddenly fluttered open and he found himself on his side of the bed and Mel's side empty. His pillow was wet from his tears, and when his hand rested against Mel's pillow he realized hers was wet too.

Nick looked up at the ceiling, knowing she was in Heaven and she was looking down on him... But she wasn't sad. And knowing that gave him the strength to go on.

The End