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Baby And Me: Section 1

Nick paced around his living room, wearing a hole through the floor. How could Rayla do something like this?? His whole world had fallen apart the moment she'd walked out the door. She hadn't just left him. She'd left...

The loud cries of a baby broke through Nick's thoughts. With tears in his eyes, Nick ran up the staircase and into his newborn son's nursery. He couldn't do this. He was 21 years old and he didn't know how to take care of a child. Sure, he'd baby-sat his siblings millions upon millions of times while growing up, but this was his child... his own baby. And he had to care for him and raise him alone now.

How could Rayla do this?

"Shhh, it's okay, Zack," Nick soothed quietly, wondering if his words would even help the infant. But as soon as Nick leaned down into the crib, his arms scooping his son up and into his embrace, 2 week old Zack was quiet. "That's my boy," Nick smiled, looking down at him. "I love you," he whispered quietly, before looking out the window, wondering where his son's mother was.

How could he do this on his own?