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Baby & Me:

Section 14

She recognized the look on his face when he opened the door that night. It was the look of a man in complete anticipation. Of what, she didn't know. But she was feeling a little anxious herself. What was it about Nick that made Paige's heart stop and her stomach flutter? Everything, apparently. They hadn't even kissed or held hands and she already knew he'd be amazing at anything remotely sensual.

"Are you gonna come inside or just stand there and let me eat all the wonderful food I made for dinner?"

Paige looked at him in disbelief. "You weren't kidding when you said you'd cook? I thought that meant you'd order out."

"Thanks," Nick laughed. "Good to know you have so much faith in me." He waited until she was safely inside the house before turning and locking the door behind her. "Yes, I actually cooked. Disturbing, I know. But it's okay--I don't think it'll poison you or anything. It's just some good old-fashioned spaghetti."

It was definitely good--great even--but it was nowhere near old-fashioned. The boy had the craziest spaghetti recipe she'd ever tried, yet by far the best. It didn't surprise her in the least; everything about Nick was unique yet wonderful. She knew bad traits would show themselves eventually but so far she hadn't found anything besides good. Maybe she'd find that he had six toes or a growth in a strange place... but Paige found that doubtful. And if he did... oh well. So far, he was the best man she'd ever known and a few body distortions wouldn't change that.

* * *

"What's wrong? You tired?"

They'd already eaten dinner, gone to a movie, and were now walking along a pier at sunset. She'd never had a better night... and if she had, she couldn't remember it.

"No," Paige smiled up at him and felt her breath catch in her throat for the millionth time that evening. His eyes were so gorgeous. "Just have a slight head ache. It's no big deal--I'm fine."

Nick looked pensive for just a moment. "Wait, let's stop here for a bit."

They walked to the railing and leaned against it, enjoying the view of the setting sun and listening to the water against the rocks below.

"Your head still bothering you?" He asked a few minutes later when he noticed her gently rubbing her own temples. He moved closer when she nodded silently in response to his question. "Here, let me help you out." He gently moved her hands from her face and replaced them with his own, beginning a gentle circular motion against her temples. He smiled when he could see her biting back a moan. "Is that better?" he whispered against her ear and suddenly noticed how close they were when he could feel her breath against his neck.

"Yes," she breathed and felt very sad when he moved his fingers from her face. But her mood changed entirely when his fingers moved to run gently through her hair. Nothing had felt so good.

"Would it be wrong if I kissed you tonight?"

Paige looked up and their eyes met. It felt as though the air had been completely sucked from her lungs.

Breathe, Paige, breathe, she kept telling herself but her lungs weren't listening.

And then Nick bent and kissed her gently, giving to her his own breath, and enabling her once again to breathe.

I will be the answer at the end of the line I will be there for you while you take the time In the burning of uncertainty I will be your solid ground I will hold the balance if you can't look down

If it takes my whole life I won't break, I won't bend It'll all be worth it, worth it in the end 'Cause I can only tell you what I know: That I need you in my life When the stars have all gone out, you'll still be burning so bright

Cast me gently into morning For the night has been unkind Take me to a place so holy That I can wash this from my mind The memory of choosing not to fight

If it takes a whole life I won't break, I won't bend It'll all be worth it, worth it in the end 'Cause I can only tell you what I know: That I need you in my life And when the stars have all burned out, you'll still be burning so bright Cast me gently into morning for the night has been unkind

-Answer; Sarah McLachlan

(Album: Afterglow)