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Baby & Me: Section 3

Nick sighed later that night as he took a look around the after party he'd chosen to attend. It was strange going to an awards show without the rest of the Backstreet Boys. But they hadn't come out with an album since 2001 and even that had been a compilation of their greatest hits. The last CD they'd produced that had actually contained all-new material had been in 2000. Sadly, there was no reason for the Boys to go to any award shows.

But Nick had finally taken a step out on his own and had recorded a solo album, which was selling quite nicely, much to his enjoyment. He'd been invited to the awards show, his name in the running for three awards, one of which he'd won.

Nick thought he would have been ecstatic to finally be doing something for himself and yet events like this just felt weird without the other guys. His feeling of loneliness only made him realize all the more just how much he'd neglected being his own person. And though he knew he should have felt a renewed sense of freedom, instead he just felt alone. He had a baby son at home, no wife, and no girlfriend.

Zack was all he was living for.

"Hey, Nick man," Eminem came up to him, shaking his head back and forth as he grabbed Nick's drink and set it down on a nearby table, "you gotta come meet this girl over here. Ever heard of Paige Alexis?"

Everything in this business was about show. In some way, shape, or form you made a name for yourself. Eminem had done it by being downright dirty and cruel, but the bottom line was that it was all show. He wasn't going to chain saw Nick into little pieces because he was a member of a "boy-band."

"Um, no," Nick looked perplexed as he followed Eminem over to a small gathering of people. "Who is she?" he whispered once they were near.

"She's that new singer ... I dunno, sings kinda' like Sarah McLachlan typa stuff," Em shrugged, looking disinterested in talking about the girl's music. "Her songs ain't my favorite, but she has an awesome voice and she's real pretty. You should talk to her, Nick."

Nick looked at him warily. Now he knew what this was all about. "That's okay," he shook his head and began to walk away. "I don't need to meet any chicks. They're trouble."

"Nick! Hi!" one of the artists who had been talking with Paige called out to him and Nick bit back a groan. He'd been so close to escaping.

"Hey," Nick smiled as he turned back around and suddenly he was drawn into the group, whether he wanted to be or not; it didn't seem to matter. Eminem didn't stick around long and Nick swore he'd kill the guy the next time he saw him. Now he was stuck meeting this pretty girl ... whether he wanted to or not.

"Oh, Nick, Paige, have you two met?" someone else in the group said after a few moments.

Nick's eyes met Paige's and she offered a tentative smile. Ooh, shy? Or so new at the game that she was still star-struck?

Okay, Carter, Nick thought, knock the ego down a few notches.

"No, I don't believe we have," he smiled and nodded politely, reaching out to shake her hand.

"Well, then, Nick, this is Paige Alexis; Paige, Nick Carter."

"It's nice to meet you, Nick," Paige smiled again and finally withdrew her hand from his. She'd been doing so good, not letting the statuses of the people around her turn her into a prepubescent teenager, but this man's eyes were unnerving and she felt a quiver in her stomach.

"Yeah," Nick nodded, "you too."

I don't want to be here, Nick thought to himself.

Suddenly he just wanted to go home and be near his son. He didn't need to deal with new artists who didn't know how to handle themselves professionally around others or with meddling rappers who felt it was their place to set him up with pretty women. He had a son and that just seemed to change everything.

"Well, it was great meeting you," Nick still managed to smile politely, "but unfortunately I need to be going. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around. Guys," he said to the rest of the group around them, "I'll see you all later."

"Congratulations on the win."

"See you around, man."

"Wonder why he's leaving so early."

"Probably gonna hit a different party."

Nick ignored the comments behind him and headed towards one of the many exits. As he got to the door, he turned, feeling eyes on him and found that they were Paige's. With a sigh, he turned back around and left.

He didn't need that right now.