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Baby & Me: Section 4

Nick sighed as he stepped into his house from the garage entrance. He was home again and was so incredibly relieved. Ever since Zack was born, he hadn't felt as though he fit in where he once had... and it didn't matter to him. He stepped into the kitchen and smiled, seeing Emma sitting at the counter reading a romance novel. She was a silly girl with her head in the clouds most of the time, but she seemed sweet enough and for some reason he really did trust her to take care of his son.

"Hey, Em. How'd everything go tonight?"

"Nick!" Emma looked up and smiled. "I didn't expect you home so early," she said with a glance at the clock hanging on the opposite wall. She sighed forlornly, looking at the young man before her. It really was a shame his life had handed him what it had. He was young and handsome and had a son to raise all by himself. It just didn't seem right. "Zack's upstairs sleeping peacefully. Everything went fine, so if you came home because you were sick with worry, you shouldn't have."

Nick couldn't help but smile at the grin on her face. His shoulders slumped over as he sat down on the stool next to her. Emma was only seventeen but she had been living next door to Nick for two years he'd always thought she was very kind and polite. He wished he'd gotten to know her a little better, since he figured he'd be relying on her to take care of Zack when he wasn't there. Emma had assured him, just after Rayla had left, that she would baby-sit any time he needed her to.

"I figured everything was okay, or you would have called my cell," Nick smiled as he waved the phone around in the air, before tossing it down onto the counter.

"How did it go tonight?" Emma asked as she folded the corner of her page down before closing her book.

"Well," Nick sighed and looked up at the girl. He hoped she couldn't see how drained he was, both mentally and physically... and, of course, she could. "It was okay, I guess. I dunno... I just don't feel like I fit in anymore."

"Nick, lots of young, famous people have children."

"I know. I just don't feel like it's my place to be off partying, with my son sleeping at home."

Emma smiled and stood, throwing her book into her purse before slinging the bag across her shoulder. "You know what, Nick?"


Emma took a deep breath before smiling widely at him. "Contrary to popular belief, you're gonna be just fine. I know it. With statements like the one you just made? You and Zack are gonna be fine."

Nick looked up at her and bit his lip. Maybe she was right. Maybe they would be okay.

After writing Emma out a hefty check and telling her, at her protests, that it wasn't just for watching his son, but for giving him a little peace of mind, Nick watched out the window to make sure she made it into her house safely. She really was a sweet girl and he was glad he had her as a friend now.

Making his way upstairs, he passed his bedroom up and went straight to Zack's. He hadn't heard as much as a few baby noises here and there on the baby monitors while sitting downstairs with Emma. He couldn't believe she'd gotten him to sleep so well... and she'd said it had been easy. Things would definitely be all right... if he had a baby-sitter and friend like her, and Zack continued to be an easy-going little cherub, he could do this. He knew he could.

Nick smiled to himself as he stood over the baby crib, watching Zack sleep. Just looking at him, one got the intense feeling that the world was perfect. And whether or not it was didn't matter. Zack was.