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Be With You: The Story

...And now that you're gone, I just wanna be with you And I can't go on, I wanna be with you Wanna be with you

I can't sleep, I'm up all night Through these tears, I try to smile I know the touch of your hand can save my life Don't let me down, come to me now, I got to be with you somehow!

And now that you're gone, I just wanna be with you And I can't go on, I wanna be with you Wanna be with you

Don't let me down, come to me now I got to be with you somehow

And now that you're gone Who am I without you now? I can't go on I just wanna be with you!

And now that you're gone, I just wanna be with you And I can't go on, I wanna be with you Wanna be with you

And now that you're gone, I just wanna be with you And I can't go on, I wanna be with you Ohhh... Just wanna be with you, just wanna be with you Just wanna be with you, just wanna be with you

-Be With You, by Enrique Iglesias

Mia stared out of her bedroom window, tears in her eyes, though they never fell. Tears hadn't fallen since the day she'd left Nick, even though she was completely miserable. She didn't know what had been wrong with her - she was in love with Nick, as she realized now. She had no idea why she'd ever left him, in the first place. But now it was too late, wasn't it?

She was engaged to Jeb - Nick was engaged to a platinum blonde... Mia thought her name was Billie, but she couldn't remember now. She didn't care anyhow. Billie was Nick's fiance'... not someone Mia was interested in.

As soon as Mia had left Nick, she moved into Jeb's house, and at first he was everything she'd wanted - she thought he was, at least. But after a while little things Jeb did, that Nick had never done (or at least, she'd never noticed) began to annoy her.

Nick began to date Billie 6 months after Mia's depature. Mia wouldn't have admitted it to anybody - especially Nick - but it had hurt her... it had made her feel as if he'd never loved her in the first place. But that was a stupid thought. She knew all along that he was in love with her - he'd showed it to her every chance he'd gotten, in every possible way. It was her who'd been unfaithful. There was no way she could turn the ruining of their relationship onto him, though at times, she admitted, she'd tried. But it was no use... Nick had been wonderful. And she'd screwed it all up.

Mia and Jeb had moved to Chicago 7 months after her and Nick had split up. Nick and Billie moved to Chicago a month later. They lived 5 blocks from Mia and Jeb. They said they'd moved was because of a job offering that Billie had gotten. Mia couldn't help but wonder what career the blonde had. Were there good strip clubs in Chicago? She figured she could look into it - maybe it would give her a good idea of what kind of money Billie was bringing home... money that had been stuffed into her bra and underwear, or regular office money? Then she talked herself out of it.

I should leave Nick alone, she'd thought to herself. Maybe he's happy.

She'd cringed at the thought.

Snow was beginning to fall outside, now, as she gazed out the double paned window, where the bear, leaveless trees were swaying gently in the calm wind. Her and Jeb were going to a Christmas party at a couple's house down the street. Their names were Barbie and Bobby.

Interesting, Mia had thought.

Apparantly Jeb had befriended them at the local gas station.

Very interesting.

"Mia, are you ready??" Jeb called up the staircase, as he stepped inside the house, from work.

Mia jumped at the voice. She'd lost track of time. "Umm... yeah, just a minute!" she called back down.

She heard Jeb come upstairs, and he came into the bedroom to change into something more suitable than his jeans and a T-shirt. She watched him dress, no longer feeling the same flutter in her stomach that she used to. Of course, that had seized to exist ever since she'd left Nick - there was no longer the excitement of sneaking around. It had turned from something that was unknown to everyone but her and Jeb, and had gone to a normal, day-to-day relationship... that, quite frankly, bored her. She only wanted that with Nick now.

"Jeb?" Mia looked at him with hollow eyes. She wished he'd turn into Nick. But she knew he was probably watching Billie change at the moment. Ick.

"Yeah, Mia," Jeb sounded distracted as he tied his shoe.

Her voice suddenly caught in her throat, because she realized she had nothing to say.

Jeb looked at her, when she didn't reply, "You okay?"

"I-I... yeah," she suddenly gave up, with a sigh.

"Good. Let's go..." he grabbed her hand and led her out of the house.

Mia sighed, in the car, on the way to the party. Nothing was the same without Nick. Nothing compared to him and his way of doing things. There was nothing like him.