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Beyond This: Chapter 1: Girlfriend From Planet Bitch

Alyssa stepped out of the car and stretched, "I'm already tired and the tour's just starting," she yawned.

"We noticed that in the car. 'Yeah, that's what I'll do,'" Brittany mimicked with a giggle.

Alyssa laughed, "Shut up!!"

Alyssa had a problem with talking in her sleep.

"C'mmon, girls. You've gotta go get ready for the concert, and get all your stuff situated in the tour bus," Lena, their manager, called to them from inside the venue.

"I'm nervous," Kimmy sighed.

Brittany and Alyssa nodded in agreement, feeling butterflies in their stomachs.

"Yea, I am too," Lena rolled her eyes, trying to insinuate that they were most likely going to screw up. She was of course joking.

"Shut up," they laughed.

Hours Later

"Wow!!! That was amazing!" Alyssa shrieked as Beyond This walked into their dressing room, after their performance.

"I know!" Brittany grabbed her notebook and a pen. "I've never felt so inspired in my life."

Kimmy laughed, "You say that after everything cool that happens to you... or everything bad too."

"Shut up. I'm gonna go write until the Backstreet Boys are done performing. You know, I'm a little disappointed that we haven't met them yet."

Alyssa nodded, "Lena said they had too much scheduled today...but that we'll, of course, meet them soon."

Brittany shrugged and left the room to go outside and write. They were starting the tour in Orlando, and ending it in Tampa, so even though it was evening it was still light out and nicely warm.


"Sh*t, I'm gonna be in so much trouble!" AJ muttered as he ran through the halls quickly. He'd, somehow, managed to forget the most vital part of his outfit... his sunglasses. He couldn't go on stage without them! There was just no way! He had approximately five minutes to get them and get back to the rest of the group so they could get on stage.

Not bothering to look at the Beyond This sign on the door, he opened it, thinking it was his dressing room. Luckily, no one was naked in there ((Yeah, "luckily," huh Lyss? lol)).

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"

Alyssa gaped. AJ "as-hot-as-hell" McLean was standing in front of her. And dayam, he looked fine!

"I thought this was my room! I'm really sorry!" AJ looked down at his watch. "Sh*t, I gotta go," he ran from the room before Alyssa could even find words to form.

Kimmy walked into the part of the dressing room that Alyssa was standing in, from the bathroom, and laughed at her expression. "What's wrong?? You look like you just saw a ghost."

"No... No, just AJ McLean."

Hours Later

Brittany's hand wouldn't write as fast as the words were coming. "Maybe I could get a bodygaurd to take me to the bus, and I could grab my laptop," she murmured to herself.

Someone sat down next to her, and cleared his throat. She looked up and her eyes grew wide. 'Oh great! I, OF COURSE, have to be talking to myself when Nick Carter comes and sits by me!! Just my luck... or lack there-of,' she thought to herself, bitterly.

"Do you always talk to herself?" Nick smirked, jokingly.

"No... I um... Nevermind. I'm Brittany." Brittany stuck her hand out to his. "I'm from Beyond This."

"Yeah, I know," he smiled, shaking her hand. "You girls did really good tonight."

'Oh my gosh! He knows who I am!! Nick Carter knows who I am!! And he thinks that we did good! A Backstreet Boy thinks that Beyond This did good!'

"You can stop looking shocked now," he laughed.

Brittany cringed when she noticed Amanda a.k.a. Willa Ford, Nick's girlfriend, walking up to them. "Nick, we're all leaving for the hotel now," Willa said, glaring at Brittany the whole time.

"All right." Nick stood up and then looked back down to Brittany, "I'll see you later, I'm sure. It was nice to meet you."

"Yeah, you too," she smiled at him, before noticing Willa's warning glance.

"Bitch," Willa muttered to her before walking away with Nick.

Brittany gaped in shock before standing up and grabbing her things, rushing inside the venue and to Beyond This' dressing room to tell Alyssa and Kimmy about the encounter.