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Beyond This: Chapter 2: Hotel Mix-Ups

"SHE'S the b*tch, not you! She's just jealous that Nick was talking to you, and probably enjoying your company more than he enjoys f*cking her," Alyssa snickered.

Brittany couldn't help but laugh, "I highly doubt that."

"I'll kill her if you'd like," Kimmy piped up, surprising both of them.

Alyssa shrugged before nodding, "Yeah, and I'll help."

"You guys," Brittany smiled, "I don't think we wanna go around murdering people right now. I mean, look at the success we're about to have. The audience loved us tonight!"

They all nodded, dazed looks and huge grins on their faces. They looked like idiots. Happy idiots. Kimmy's cell phone ringing broke them all out of their thoughts.

"D*mn technology," she muttered, searching in her purse for it. Retrieving the phone, she turned it on, "Hello?... Hi!!"

Brittany and Alyssa exchanged looks with little smiles on their faces. Who else could it possibly be? No one, except Marshall.

Marshall Mathers a.k.a Eminem: Kimmy's boyfriend of a year. They'd met two years prior at a gas station. The fact that Kimmy shared her name with Eminem's ex-wife was highly coincidental.

Kimmy stood up and walked into the other room so she could have her phone conversation in private. "What's up??"

"Nothing much," Marshall said, glad to hear her voice. "Me and the guys were 'bout to head over to a club. Wish you could come."

She sighed and plopped down in a chair, "Yeah, so do I. What are you going to do at a club, Mr. Mathers??" she asked, suspiciously, only kidding somewhat.

"Oh, Kim, c'mmon."

"Yeah, yeah. You better be missing me."

He smirked, "I am; I promise."


Lena walked into the dressing room, to find Brittany and Alyssa watching reruns of Friends on the large TV that sat on the table in the corner. "Chicas, you gotta get to the hotel. The guys left about forty-five minutes ago, and we're finally able to leave now. D*mn hotels."

Brittany gave her a weird look, "Huh?"

"Oh, nothing. They just had some mix-ups. Had to use a few connections to actually get you guys rooms. I mean, c'mmon! You're Beyond This for heaven's sake!"

Alyssa laughed, "That sounds funny!"

Brittany giggled. "Hey, Kimmy! C'mmon, babe, we gotta go!" she called towards the closed door to the other room.

Other Room

"D*mn it. Em, I gotta go."


"KIMMY!!!" Lena yelled from the other room.

"I'm sorry! I really gotta go! I love you, bye!" she hung up, rushing into the other room. "A'right, A'right. I'm coming!"

"How's our dear Em?" Alyssa snickered.

Brittany rolled her eyes with a smirk, "He's anything but dear."

"Shut up," Kimmy glared at them.

The Hotel

Alyssa slid her key-card into the doorknob and watched until the green light came on. Once it did, she picked up her bag and opened the door, stepping inside. The door slammed shut behind her, making her jump. That's when she noticed she wasn't the only one in the room.

"Oh my gosh!" AJ's eyes were wide, as he sat up in bed, "What the hell?" he muttered, groggily.

"I am sooo sorry! I must've gotten the wrong room. Wait, that doesn't make sense. The key worked," she looked down at the key in her hand and read the number. 807. Opening the door again, she looked at the gold numbers: 807. "Ummm..."

How do you tell a Backstreet Boy that he's in the wrong room?

AJ crawled from the bed, clad in boxers, now more awake, "Um, the hotel must've screwed up."

"Well, Lena said that they did screw up and she had some trouble getting us our rooms. It must not have gotten straightened out fully. She probably doesn't even know... I'll just go and tell her, and she'll somehow get me another room-"

"No, no... I hear there's a festival going on right now or something stupid like that. The hotel's pretty full this whole week. You're tired, I'm tired, it's late, we've been performing... you don't have to go through the trouble when that bed over there must be calling your name right now," he laughed. "I'll just take the couch."

"No! I'm not going to take your bed from you! I'll take the couch."

"Well, surely we can't BOTH have the couch."

They eyed each other semi-awkwardly for a moment, their gazes slowly drifting to the only bed.

"We'll both be dressed..." AJ started, slowly.

"...And we'll have to become friends sometime on this tour," Alyssa finished. "What harm could come of it?"

They walked over to the bed and Alyssa threw her bag on it. She unzipped it and pulled out a pair of boxers and a tank top. "I'll um, just go change in the bathroom." Heading over to the bathroom, she stepped inside, closing and locking the door behind her. A few minutes later she emerged and they climbed into the warm bed, lying down and falling asleep instantly.

Well, that was awkward.