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Beyond This: Chapter 3: Na-Na

Brittany sang loudly as she walked down the hotel corridor, heading for the elevators, to go to the hotel restaurant where Beyond This and the Backstreet Boys would be eating breakfast together.

"Perfect rhythm Nazis in the pagan rhythm nation. Everybody's equal in the glow of radiation. Gotta four-wheel drive and I park it in the driveway. When I get drunk I drive it on the parkway. Gotta get a TV set for my car. Tonight's the Battle of the Network Stars. Na-na, na-na na-na. Na-na na-na na-na. Saniflush Bud-Bowl makin' me sick. 'Cause anybody in a helmet looks just like a dick. Steely Dan Rather be a hammer than a nail. The Servs, the Poles, and the check's in the mail. Eat sleep live die f*ckin' record label-"

Brittany screamed as she ran into someone, while stepping out of the elevator. It'd taken her a long time just to get THAT much of that song memorized, so therefore she was concentrating hard on getting the lyrics right... not on where she was going.

The victim of her idiocy laughed, causing Brittany to look up at the familiar sound.

"Oh! Hi..." she spoke shyly, before looking down at her feet. "I didn't mean to run into you... I wasn't paying attention..."

"It's okay - you were busy singing songs with vulgar lyrics," Nick joked, sarcastically. "Care to walk with me to breakfast?"

Brittany smiled, "I'd love to! Wait... Willa won't rip my head off, will she?"

"Mandy left the tour for a week," Nick smirked. "She's meeting up with us again, later. So what she doesn't know, won't hurt her."

"Ohhhhhh..." Brittany secretly gave an evil grin

15 minutes later

Brittany looked up from her menu as Alyssa and AJ stumbled into the restaurant, laughing so hard they could barely stand. Ooookay. That's odd. When had they meet? Brittany cleared her throat and gestured for Alyssa to follow her to the bathroom once the two had sat down and Brittany had met AJ.

Once inside, Alyssa explained what'd happened the night before.

"What?! That's so awesome!! Of course the d*mn hotel just HAD to get my room correct. Gosh, the things I would have done to Nick if-"

"Oh shut up," Alyssa laughed. "You know you woulda been hella shy, nervous, and everything else that you get, and you wouldn't have done sh*t."

Brittany glared at her, "Shut up."

~ * ~

Kimmy sighed, while sitting next to the Backstreet Boys - guys she hardly knew. Of course Alyssa and Brittany had just left her sitting there, in the midst of five (hot) strangers. She missed Marshall. Twittling her thumbs, and having already decided what she was going to order for breakfast, she sat there, wondering what he'd gotten up to the previous night. It wasn't that she didn't trust him... she did... it's just that... okay, she didn't trust him.