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Beyond This: Chapter 4: Public Photos

It had been three days since Willa had left the tour, and Brittany and Nick were becoming great friends, though they flirted mercilessly. Brittany was sure that if Willa were there she'd rip her head off. Brittany also didn't care. She'd kill her if she had to. There was nothing wrong with being Nick's friend.

"So, Brittster, whatcha wanna do tonight?" Nick asked, coming into Brittany's hotel room and plopping down in one of her chairs.

"I'm so glad we don't have a performance tonight; I'm getting really sick of singing the same songs..."

"Why don't you ask your management if you guys can sing some different songs off your upcoming CD?" Nick suggested.

Brittany shrugged, "I dunno... too much work. Sooo... let's go to a mall."

He scrunched his nose up, "But then we have to deal with annoying bodyguards following us around everywhere we go."

She looked at him like he was stupid, "Hello! It's called 'sneaking out'!"

Nick laughed, "Are you sure we should do this?"

"You act like we're about to have sex."

Nick just looked at her.

Finally Brittany sighed, "Yes, Nick ... I'm sure," she laughed.

~ * ~

AJ chuckled as Alyssa stared longingly outside. "Lyssa, let's just go out there... Stop looking like a lost kitten."

Alyssa turned around and glared at him, "I'm sick of bodyguards!"

"Get used to it, they're everywhere with this lifestyle. But... who says we gotta invite them?"

She grinned, "Now you're talkin'..."

"Oh yeah, baby! You know it! I'm checkin' your mail! I'm readin' your faxes! I be snoopin' through your e-mails, baby!" he jumped up from his seat and began to prance around the room, waving his arms through the air wildly.

Alyssa laughed as they snuck from the hotel room.

~ * ~

Kimmy finally got ahold of Marshall. She'd been calling him all night, and he hadn't been answering. "Em, where the hell have you been??"

He laughed, "Calm down, Kim. Geez. I've just been out. It's lonely without you. What do you expect me to do? Sit around?"

Kimmy cleared her throat. Yeah, she sure as hell did. "Sorry... but where have you been going?"

"Kimmy, I've just been out with friends. Went to a club with the boys. I didn't know that was such a sin."

"Look, I just miss you, okay? I wish you would come visit me on the tour. Why won't you?? Pleaaaaaaaaaase, Marsh??"

"Kim, I don't know... I've been kind of busy."

Kimmy sighed, "Going out with friends? Is that such a necessity?"

"No! Working on the album, too."

"Forget it, okay?? Forget I even asked," she hung up with a frustrated scream.

~ * ~

"Nick, let's go in the photo booth and take pictures!" Brittany's eyes widened as she pulled Nick by the hand towards the booth.

"No, Britt, it's the kind that show you on the outside of the booth, while you're taking your pics. I hate those, everyone can watch you!"

Her eyes lit up, as she giggled, "I have the best idea! C'mmon, don't be such a chicken sh*t!" she pulled him by the hand and led him into the booth.

After pushing him down onto the seat, she sat on his lap since it was so squishy. She put the money in, while Nick was still complaining about not wanting to do this.

"Oh shut up, you big baby," she laughed, before turning around and placing her lips on his, kissing him heatedly.

Nick's eyes were wide, but after a while he realized she was just doing it to have fun, because everyone could see them outside the booth. He closed his eyes, tangled his fingers in her hair, and kissed back as the pictures continued to shoot off. Breathless, they pulled away, before they burst out laughing. That was their last picture, the two of them giggling together.

~ * ~

Willa's eyes were wide, as she stood by the screen, watching. Once Nick and Brittany were done, she walked hurriedly into the women's bathroom, so they wouldn't see her. She'd come to surprise Nick, having a feeling he'd been spending too much time hanging out with Brittany, and she'd been at the mall to buy something sexy, in hopes of getting Nick's mind off of the youngest Beyond This member.

"That worthless b*tch!" she muttered to herself angrily as she stared at herself in the mirror, her eyes mere slits.