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Beyond This: Chapter 6:

Hell to Pay

Brittany stormed into the dressing room, slamming the door behind her. "That little b*tch had the balls to come up to me and tell me off for hanging out with her boyfriend! Supposedly she saw us at the mall together!"


"The nerve of her! What right does she have to yell at me?! She's the b*tch!"


"Gosh, I want to slap the girl to an untimely death. I didn't even do anything!"

"Brittany, you kissed him."

"He kissed me!"

"You kissed back."

"So what?!"

Alyssa laughed, shaking her head. "Oh, little one."

"Don't belittle me! I'm not in the mood," Brittany fumed. "I'll slap you, too, if I have to!"

"Oh, you will, huh?" Alyssa stood from her chair, ready for a fight and snickering when Brittany backed down. "As much as we all hate her, she does have the right, Ritt. It's her boyfriend. Personally, I think Nick's the prick for not dumping the bimbo."

Brittany sighed and flopped down on the couch. "Don't call him that."

Alyssa smiled at her friend and the sullen mood was broken as Kimmy ran into the room, practically jumping up and down.

"What's gotten into you, Energizer Bunny?" Brittany rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the smile that spread across her face. "Duracell go out of business?"

"Lame ass," Kimmy laughed at her. "You're stupid. Anyway, no! Em's gonna come visit me for a couple of days!"

"Really?" Alyssa looked surprised. "You mean, he's actually going to be seen in the presence of the Backstreet Boys?"

Kimmy ignored her comment. "You gonna ask when he's comin' or not?"

"When's he coming?" Brittany asked in monotone.

"In three days! Yay!!! I gotta go tell other people!"

"Who?!" Alyssa laughed. "All the techies, who just won't give a f*ck?"

Kimmy ignored her friends as they burst into a fit of giggles and left them there to laugh their asses off. They were so incredibly stupid sometimes.

~ * ~

"Hey, Britt," Nick smiled, taking his hat off and hitting her on the butt with it. "How's your day going?"

"Oh, just peachy," Brittany rolled her eyes and turned away from him. "Your plaything had a grand old time telling me off this morning."

"Oh." Nick grimaced. "She found you, huh? I'm sorry, Ritt. I didn't know she was back."

"Yeah . . . of course. Mandy dearest wanted to surprise you. How sweet!!"

Nick laughed and turned her around by her shoulders. "Look . . . she's not as bad as you think she is-"

"Save it, Nick. So she has your mind warped . . . don't try and pull me over to the dark side, too."

He sighed as he watched her walk off, her ponytail swinging back and forth. Gosh, he really needed to get rid of Mandy somehow.

~ * ~

"Lyss, don't worry about her, okay? They'll work it out."

Alyssa sighed and stopped staring at her friend. "I swear, AJ, if your boy Nick breaks her heart, I'll kill him personally . . . with my own bloodthirsty little hands."

"Bloodthirsty little hands?" AJ laughed.

"Shut up."

He snickered and decided to change the subject before he became victim to those bloodthirsty little hands of hers. "So we're going running tomorrow morning, right?"

She groaned at the thought of it. "I guess. Only because I promised, though I still don't think that should count . . . I was half asleep."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Are you in training to become a fitness trainer or something?"

"Or something."

Alyssa rolled her eyes, "You just want to see me run in a sports bra."
