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Beyond This: Prologue

*Note: If you are a fan of Mandy Willaford, know that just 'cause you are doesn't mean I have to be! lol. Don't go sendin' me hate mail, got it? 'Cause it'll only be deleted, HAHAHAHA *evil laugh*

"Can you believe it?!!!!!!!!"

"Brittany, you're givin' me a headache."

"I don't care!! We're gonna meet the Backstreet Boys!! We're gonna spend months with them, on a tour where we get to sing in front of TONS OF PEOPLE!!"

Laughter went throughout the car as Alyssa and Brittany continued to go back and forth.

Beyond This: a singing group consisting of three young girls - Alyssa Hernandez, twenty years old; Kimmy Smith, 19; and Brittany Guillen, 18 - who were finally getting their big break. Going on tour with the biggest group around at the time - the Backstreet Boys - was going to make them famous; they could just feel it!

"I promise you that I'm going to marry Nick Carter... I just know it!"

Brittany: young, outgoing, and wanting nothing more than Nick to fall madly in love with her.

"Yeah, you keep on thinkin' that. If you didn't remember, Nick's still with bitch-of-the-year, li'l miss 'Willa Ford.' Willa. She sounds like a tree."

Alyssa: two years older than Brittany, yet just as youthful...kind of. But hey, they like it that way! Who wants a mature person in the group?!

"Okay, c'mmon, Lyssa! She can get rid of that bitch, easy,"

Kimmy: The reasonable one.

The rest of the drive to where they were meeting the BsB to join the tour, was spent with Brittany devising plans to kill Nick's girl... and Alyssa and Kimmy helping her every now and then. Alyssa had a few plans of her own... That is, to replace AJ McLean's own little chica.