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Born To Make You Happy: The Story

Oh, my love Oh, yeah yeah Oh, yeah

I'm sittin' here alone up in my room And thinkin' 'bout the times that we've been through Oh, my love I'm lookin' at a picture in my hand Tryin' my best to understand I really wanna know what we did wrong With a love that felt so strong

If only you were here tonight I know that we could make it right

I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy 'Cause you're the only one within my heart I was born to make you happy Always and forever, you and me That's the way our lives should be I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy

I know I've been a fool since you've been gone I better give it up and carry on Oh, my love 'Cause living in a dream of you and me Is not the way my life should be I don't wanna cry a tear for you So forgive me if I do

If only you were here tonight I know that we could make it right

I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy 'Cause you're the only one within my heart I was born to make you happy Always and forever, you and me That's the way our lives should be I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy

Oh, yeah yeah Oh, yeah

I'd do anything I'd give you my world I'd wait forever to be your girl Just call out my name And I will be there Just to show you how much I care

I was born to make you happy Yeah... Oh, yeah... Oh, yeah

I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy 'Cause you're the only one within my heart I was born to make you happy Always and forever, you and me That's the way our lives should be I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy

Oh, no

I was born to make you happy

Oh, yeah Oh, oh yeah

Always and forever, you and me That's the way our lives should be I don't know how to live without your love I was born to make you happy

-Born To Make You Happy, by Britney Spears (CD: ...Baby One More Time)

Michaela Straffer stepped into the arena and sighed. It was going to be yet another performance. It's how every night went, and being the Backstreet Boys' choreographer she was there every time. It got old, and she was tired of touring, but it's the price you pay when you have her career. Michaela wouldn't trade it for the world. She got to see her 5 main guys every day (sometimes that sucked, hehe)... especially Nick Carter... her ex-boyfriend. So okay, that really sucked.

Nick and Michaela had been going out for 5 months when they'd decided to break up. That was only a month ago.

"Hey, Kayla, wait up!" AJ called to her as he saw her walking down the venue hall.

"Hey, J. 'Sup?" Michaela, otherwise known as Kayla, smiled at him.

"Nada. I was gonna go grab a bite to eat. You game?"

She laughed, "Yeah, sure. Lead the way, Mr. McLean."

"So how have things with you and Nick been? I know they were pretty tense there for a while. Still having a hard time dealing?"

Michaela shrugged as they rounded the corner to the cafeteria. "I don't know. I probably coulda gotten over him... if I didn't see him every day of my life!!"

"I hear ya," AJ laughed. "I wish I didn't see him all the time, too. Just kiddin'."

"Sure ya are," she giggled.

They took a seat and immediately fell into a conversation that didn't have to do with Nick.

~ * ~ 4 Hours Later ~ * ~

"Great show guys!" Michaela beamed, hugging each of them. When she got to Nick, her eyes glared, "Nice slapping of the dancer's asses, Nick. I don't remember choreographing THAT into the routines." with that, she walked away, towards the door so she could get on the bus and head to the hotel.

"Nick, put your middle finger down," Brian laughed.

"Whaaaaat??? I was just scratching my forehead," Nick smirked.

AJ hit him upside the head, "Sure you were, buddy. Sure you were. Ya know... you COULD show her a little more respect, by not degrading her routines."

"Not degrading her routines???!!? Who humps the floor??? I won't mention any names... Hmmm, how about... AJ!!!"

"Hey, pal." AJ grinned. "She gave me special permission!" he skipped off towards the exit.

"I don't need her permission!" Nick growled, wiping the sweat off of his forehead with a towel. "It's OUR shows."

"It's HER routines," Kevin laughed.

"You guys take her side for everything!"

"Sorry, bro. I'm with them on this one," Howie smiled, before they all headed towards the exit.

~ * ~ That Night: The Hotel ~ * ~

"Nick, open the door!!" Michaela shouted, banging on Nick's hotel room door, clad in her robe, courtesy of the hotel.

"Would you shut up, you hag? I'm trying to sleep," Nick grumbled as he yanked the door open, his hair in all directions.

"Excuuuuse me! Look, my shower ran out of hot water - doings of a Mr. Littrell, I imagine - and all the other guys are using their showers - arrangements of at least one of those guys that I used to call my friends - so I need your shower. Please! I'm begging you!"

Nick grinned, raising his eyebrows, "It's been a long time since you've begged me."

"Yeah, that's 'cause you're so easy. Now let me in!!"

"Fine! Gosh, don't have a cow on my doorstep."

Kayla rolled her eyes and walked inside, heading straight for the bathroom. After her shower, she was standing in the bathroom in her pajama pants and a bra, putting her hair in a pony tail, when Nick walked in.

"AHH! Get out! I'm not fully dressed!" she screeched.

"Oh, calm down and don't get your panties in a twist... That is, if you're wearing any. I've seen you in much less than this." Nick rolled his eyes. "I gotta piss, okay? So turn around, or do whatever."

It was Michaela's turn to roll her eyes, "Whatever, Your Majesty." she turned her back to him.

"Hey, who's pee-place is this anyway??"

She couldn't help but laugh. "Yours, Nick. Pee away. I'm going now." throwing her T shirt on, she left the bathroom and the hotel room.

Nick sighed when he heard the door click shut.

~ * ~ AJ's Room ~ * ~

"Yes, I still love him," Kayla whined. "But we don't get along! I don't know why I can't just get over him! J... I think I need to like leave the tour or something."

"What??!!! You can't!! Look, don't let Nick affect your life so much! He's just a blonde head of crap!" he joked, trying to lighten the mood.

Michaela laughed, "Yeah... Yeah, I know. But I love that little blonde head of crap." she sighed, before walking out of the room.

She had a lot of thinking to do.

~ * ~

Michaela yawned sleepily as she stood up from her hotel bed and got some clothes out of her suitcase. She had about an hour and a half until she had to be in the tour bus. That was enough time to get ready and still have some time left over to go grab some breakfast downstairs. Kayla grabbed her hair dryer and headed towards the bathroom to take a shower.

~ * ~ Meanwhile ~ * ~

"Yeah, I'm up! I'm up!" Nick groaned as he stumbled from his bed.

Brian stopped banging on his door with his fists and headed off to wake Kevin up.

"Okay, I have an hour and a half. I can get ready and get some breakfast downstairs." Nick mumbled to himself, while heading towards the bathroom to shower.

~ * ~ 45 Minutes Later ~ * ~

"Hey, AJ," Michaela greeted as she walked into the hotel restaurant. "Come for some morning-food?" she grinned as they sat down at a table together.

AJ laughed, "Nice. So how are you this lovely morning?"

"Fine," she sighed. "I just gotta stay away from Nick for a bit. Don't we have a break coming up ANY time soon???" she groaned.

"Unfortunately, no. Somehow some of the schedule got screwed up and so we don't have a break for another week and a half."

"What?! That totally blows, J. Well, you guys don't need me 24/7, right? I mean, I'm just your choreographer, not one of your dancers."

"Just remember, you're a back-up dancer too though. You betta be prayin' no dancers get sick or sumptin'."

Kevin walked up to the table and pulled up a chair, "Bad news. Flu's goin' around. 2 of the dancers got it. Kay, they want you to take Tina's place."

"What?! Hell no! That's Nick's partner!"

"They're not giving you a choice," Kevin frowned. "They said yours and Nick's styles flow together the best."

Michaela threw her fork down onto the table, "Great! Just my f*ckin' luck!" she stood up and left the restaurant in a hurry.

"Uh... was this a bad time?"

"Kev, my dear friend... there is no good time for THAT news."

~ * ~

Michaela ran into Nick in the lobby on her way to the elevators, "Argh. Did you hear the news??"

"What 'news'? You're getting fired??" he asked hopeful, but joking.

"I wish."

Nick laughed, "I'm sure something could be arranged."

"Shut up, Carter. I have to take Tina's place. She's sick."

"Oh! So I'll be slapping your ass now!!"

"You keep your nasty hands to yourself!"

"Oh, come off it," Nick rolled hs eyes. "You used

to LOVE my hands," he giggled.

"Look, the only thing you'll be touching is your own dick... Now get out of my way!"

Nick moved out of her way and watched with a smirk as she ran off to the elevators.

~ * ~ That Night ~ * ~

"Nick! I told you to keep your hands OFF of me!" Michaela shouted as soon as they got off stage.

"How can you dance with somebody and NOT touch them, Michaela?!?"

"You don't have to touch me so sexually!!"

"Well, that's your problem for choreographing such sexual routines!"

"Well, you could-" she paused, before heading for the tour bus. "Argh!!"

~ * ~ The Next Day ~ * ~

"Nick, it's not that difficult," AJ groaned.

"AJ, shut up!"

"Okay, you two. Calm down," Michaela sighed. "C'mere, Nick."

Nick walked over to her, with a sigh.

She took his hands and placed them on her hips, "One, two, three, four..." she counted as she led him through the slow dance.

"See, I always forget how to lead you through that part!" Nick sighed, frusterated.

"Nick!" Kayla took his hands and placed them back on her hips. "Concentrate, okay? Look, all your forgetting to do is one step that throws the whole move off, which throws the whole rest of the dance off. You've got to find a way to remember to do that one step. Once you get that one part down, you've got it perfect. Look, meet me in your room tonight at 7 and I'll practice with you."

"No, Kay. The concert was canceled, giving us a night off. I don't wanna take your 1 free night."

"Be in your room at 7! Practice is over," Kayla called to the rest of the guys, before grabbing her water bottle and heading out of the studio.

~ * ~ 7:15 p.m. ~ * ~

"Be here at 7, huh?" Nick laughed as he opened the door to Michaela at a quarter after.

"Shut up, Nick." she stated testily.

"Okay, okay. Sorry," Nick sighed and let her in.

Nick groaned 20 minutes later, "Kayla, I don't know what's wrong with me!"

Michaela took a deep breath, "Okay, just calm down. You'll get it, okay?"

"No, I won't! I must be going mental or something!"

She pulled his face down to hers and placed a gentle kiss on his lips, "Calm down and concentrate!"

Nick nodded, "Okay," he whispered, before they started the dance again.

"Nick! You did it perfect!!!" she squeeled.

Nick laughed, "Finally!"

"Okay, one more time."

When they were finished, Kayla giggled, "Eee! You've got it!" she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, not even thinking about it until she already had. Pulling away slowly, she groaned, "I am so sorry."

Nick laughed lightly, his eyes adverting for a moment, "It's okay. Y'know, you've kissed me twice tonight."

"I know. But the 1st time was just to get your attention."

"Well, the 2nd one surely did."

Michaela blushed and looked down. "What do you think... a 3rd kiss would do?" she looked back up at him.

Nick smiled, "Why don't you try it and we can find out?"

"Why don't YOU try it?"

"Okay," he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her closer to him. Leaning down, he connected her lips with his in a kiss that slowly grew more passionate.

After a few moments, Michaela backed away, breathing heavily. "Nick, I... I'll see you at tomorrow's practice," she headed for the door in a hurry.

"What??" Nick laughed in disbelief as he followed her and grabbed her arm to keep her from leaving. "Kayla, what just happened here? I mean, how can you just leave?"

"Gosh, Nick. You're rather full of yourself, aren't you?" she joked, trying to lighten the mood.

He chuckled lightly, "I'm serious here, Kay."

She took a deep breath, "I know you are, Nick. Just give me some time, okay?"

"Then I'll see you tomorrow."

Michaela paused, hesitating to leave. "One more, okay?" she pulled him to her and kissed him quickly, before rushing out the door.

Nick sighed, "Great, just great," he muttered, flopping down onto his bed.

~ * ~

Michaela sighed, back stage. She was about to go on, with the guys, as soon as the horribly un-talented opening act was done performing. She hadn't talked to Nick yet about what had happened the night before, and she admitted that she was causing a lot of tension on the tour, but she just didn't know what to do.

Watching the opening act made her giggle, which relieved some of her apprehension to dance with Nick that night, though she ended up feeling bad because she liked the group as people... but come on! They sucked. They were almost as bad as Third Eye Blind... almost. ((LoL, no hate mail please.))

It was finally time for the Backstreet Boys to go out and perform a great show... showing up Yellow Pencil, the opening act. Where did they think up THAT name anyways?

The show was going smoothly, everything was great, and Kayla wasn't have TOO hard of a time dancing with Nick. Yeah, he was still doing his 'I'm so darn sexual... don't you just want me, baby?' act, as he placed his hands all over her body, but she didn't hate it too much this time. Well, except when he slapped her butt so hard she swore she was going to have a welt. That's when she'd yelped loudly, and then glared at him.

But now it was time for the song that Nick had a hard time dancing to. The one that Michaela had to spend her free time helping him with. BUT he had gotten the step down last night - he'd done it twice in a row - she just hoped he wouldn't freeze up when it came to that part... but... just like Nick... he did.

"Kay, I can't remember how to do it!" Nick whispered furiously in her ear, a couple dance steps before 'the one' ((Not the song)) came up.

Kayla, thinking quickly, grabbed his face and made him look her straight in the eye, "I love you, Nick... I wanna get back together!" she spoke quickly, just as the dance step came.

Nick did it with perfection.

~ * ~

As soon as they got off stage, Nick ran for the tour bus, completely ignoring Michaela.

"What the f*ck??" she threw her arms up in the air, accidentally smacking AJ in the eye.

"Ow! Gosh girl!"

She couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry, J... But... I..."

"You told Nick that you loved him and wanted him back, and he ran off on you just now," AJ said, logically.

"How did you-??"

"I'm smart like that. Look, girlie... go talk to him. I'm sure it's not how it looks. Maybe he's got the runs..." he snickered.

Kayla glared him, "You're disgusting, Age! But maybe you're right about it not being what it looks like..." she headed off to the bus, finding Nick easily. He was in his bunk. "Hey, sweety," she said quietly, hoisting herself up, by her arms.

Nick looked at her through tearful eyes.

Kayla's eyebrows knitted together, worriedly. What had she done wrong? She thought that he'd wanted them to get back together. "What's wrong??" she moved over to him and laid down next to him, placing her hands on his shoulders. He was so warm.

"How could you use that??" he pushed her away from him, gently. He didn't want to hurt her, of course.

"Use what??" she was now thoroughly confused.

"Just to get me to do the step right you told me you loved me and wanted me back! That's cold, Kay. That's really cold..." he turned away from her, extremely hurt.

Michaela's eyes were wide. How could he think that that's what she was trying to do??

Okay, well I guess it could have looked like that, she thought to herself, rationally.

But she hadn't intended for it to be that way! She DID love him, and she DID want him back!

"Nicky," Kayla spoke softly, turning him over to face her, and taking his face in between her hands. She placed gentle kisses on his cheeks, "I love you, okay? I really meant that! And I do want you back... Please believe me."

Nick looked up at her, skeptically, for a few minutes, "Ummm... Hmm..."

"I was born to make you happy?" she chided with a giggle.

Nick laughed, closing his eyes and shaking his head in amusement, "Yeah, uh huh - Thanks for bringing Britney Spears into this."

She smiled widely at him, before it faded and she became serious, "No, but seriously, Nickers..."

"I know," he whispered up at her, a loving look in his eyes, before he placed a gentle kiss on her lips. "'Cause I was born to make you happy too."

The End