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Great Britynn: Chapter 1

~*~ Saturday, July 15th: 11 p.m. ~*~

Nick didn’t understand how going on a Safari in Africa, sleeping in tents, and doing whatever else they were going to do, was going to earn money for The Boys and Girls of America. He found it absolutely ludicrous, but still - there he was, packing for the trip. They would be flying out the following day, and they would spend a week in Africa, doing God knows what.

The first thing that had found its way into Nick’s suitcase had been a tape of ‘animal sounds.’ That would surely come in handy for playing tricks on the guys and all the other people that would be there. There was one person, outside of the Backstreet Boys, that Nick was sure was going. That one person was Britynn Nova, the young woman that put the whole event together ... since it was her job. The guys figured Britynn was probably a very nice woman, when not working, but her ‘work, work, work’ attitude got old, fast. Nick, on the other hand, absolutely loved when she was around, because he always knew exactly which buttons to push, to drive her up the wall.

In the middle of his packing, Nick’s phone rang. “Hello?” he asked mindlessly.

“Hi, is this Nick? It’s Britynn Nova.”

“Well, hello Brit-Brit. Wuzzup?” Nick smirked. She always talked so business-like, so Nick always made it a point to act very much the opposite.

Britynn rolled her eyes, something she usually only did in her head, but since no one was in the room she really ‘let herself go.’ “I’m just calling to tell you that the flight’s been changed to 3 a.m., instead of 8.”

“What?? That really bites. My car’s in the shop, so I was having my neighbor drop me off at the airport, but I can’t ask her to take me at 3 in the morning! There’s no way that the guys can drive from Orlando to Tampa, in the morning, to get me, and since it’s already 11 I can’t really get to Orlando now.” Nick stressed, biting at his fingernails.

Brit sighed, not wanting to say what she was about to say, but knowing she had to. “I live about 10 minutes away from you. I guess I’ll have to give you a ride. But we have to leave in an hour, in order to be there an hour before the flight takes off.”

“So basically, I just shouldn’t go to bed?”

“You can sleep on the plane. You should be used to that, by now, Nick. I must be going now, I’ll be there in an hour.” With that, Britynn hung up and continued her packing.

"'I must be going now,'" Nick mocked in a high-pitched voice. She was so ... not fun.

~*~ Sunday, July 16th: 12 a.m. ~*~

"Wow, your hair's actually down!" Nick said, referring to the fact that she always wore it in a ponytail, once he'd opened the door and let Britynn inside.

"I'm tired. Don't give me sh*t, okay??" Britynn sat down on the couch, until Nick had all his stuff together.

Once he did, they went outside and loaded it into Brit's trunk, shutting it tightly. Nick walked back to his house and locked the front door. He strode slowly over to Britynn's Ford Mustang and got inside all extra slow.

"God, Nick, we're gonna be late," she complained, smacking the back of his head. She knew he was doing it on purpose, just to bug her.

Nick laughed. "Oh heaven forbid! Lighten up, you wench."

"Argghhh, I do NOT want to have to put up with you for a week."

"Ohhhhh wellllll. It's your job."

Britynn pulled out of the driveway quickly and sped down the road. The ride to the airport was spent in almost complete silence, except for every now and then when Nick would put his arm behind her seat and tap her on the head, in which case Brit would then scream at him to stop it or she'd throw him out of the car. Other than that, Britynn was busy thinking about how hellish this trip would be, while Nick was thinking about how much fun he just might have.