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Great Britynn: Chapter 2

Nick and Britynn boarded the plane along with the rest of the Backstreet Boys, the managers, photographers, hair stylists, makeup artists, and anyone else that had to do with the charity event. Nick and Britynn sat on opposite sides of the plane. Nick sat next to Brian, while Britynn sat next to Jean-Luc, the main photographer whom Nick also figured was Brit's little "boy-toy." That was another thing to make fun of the French guy for (him and his little accent) ... he was dating HER!

Nick rolled his eyes at the thought of Jean-Luc and Britynn together, as the plane took off into the air.

Brian, noticing his friends look, gave him a smirk. "Jealous of our dear friend Jean-Luc?"

"No. I'm not jealous of him. Why would I be jealous of him?" Nick looked over at Brian, casually.

Brian sighed. "Ohhh ... maybe because of his accent, which seems to charm all the ladies. Especially your object of affection, Miss Nova herself-"

"'Miss Nova'," Nick mimicked, "is not my object of affection. She's my object of annoyance... or uh, something like that. So just shut up."

"... Or maybe his handsome looks..." Brian went on about Jean-Luc. "Or the fact that his body's better than Kevin's..."

"Are you turning gay on me? You're not supposed to be noticing these things, Rok!"

Brian laughed, "Nope. Not turnin' gay. Just statin' the facts that any girl would love him... and I guess Britynn does too, unfortunately for you."

"It's not unfortunate for me."

"C'mmon, we all know you think Brit's beautiful."

Nick looked at Brian, squarely. "So do you, dipsh*t. But that doesn't mean YOU like her, so why does it mean I do?? You think she's annoying because she's too business-like... well, I do too."

"Right," Brian said sarcastically, before putting his headphone's over his ears and tuning Nick out, to his music.

Nick sighed and followed suit, after giving a quick glance over in Britynn's direction. 'Psh, I have no idea what Brian's talking about... Why would I ever like HER?'

~*~ Africa ~*~ July 18th, 2 p.m. ~*~

Nick groaned, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. "Is it just me or is it freaking HOT here???"

Kevin rolled his eyes at him, "Well... we ARE in Africa."

"'Well... we ARE in Africa,'" Nick mocked in a high pitched voice.

"Alright, calm down, you two."

"Shut up, Howard," Nick laughed. "Hey, AJ, get back here!!! You think I wouldn't notice that you stole my hat?!" he turned and ran after AJ.

Over on the side-lines, Britynn scoffed. "Look at them, chasing each other like gay little lovers."

Jean-Luc gave a hearty laugh. "Oh, calm down, Brit," his French accent soothed. "Only 6 more days, other than this one, and we'll be free from those pricks."

"Those six days could not come too f*cking soon."

Jean-Luc chuckled, before tugging a little piece of her hair. With that, he walked away to take a few pictures, leaving Britynn standing there to stare at Nick in all her hatred.