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Cliques: Chapter 1

Brittany threw her hair up in a messy pony-tail, knowing her medium-length, layered hair would all fall from it, sooner or later, anyways. She put a pair of capri's on and slipped her feet into her flip-flops. Heading down the staircase, she grabbed an apple, on her way out the door, for school.

~ * ~

Audrey slammed her Biology book closed and straightened her glasses, "Mr. Holden, the assignment doesn't really make much sense. There's no point. It's basically going backwards from what we've already accomplished in class."

"Audrey, if you don't want to do it, then don't. But I think this would be an easy A for you... you might as well do it quickly instead of not doing it and getting a 0 on it... Class is dismissed," Mr. Holden called to the students.

Brittany had been sitting there, watching the exchange with an amused look on her face. It was just like Audrey to challenge the teachers. Britt stood up and packed up her books, zipping her backpack, and swinging it over her shoulder. She swore that when she was older, the weight of that thing would begin to take its toll. If it wasn't already.

She walked from the room and headed towards study hall. Brittany passed the popular group in the hallway, on her way. They'd had a rep. of not being all-too-nice to the "studiers" (or so Brittany had heard)... and they'd seen her hanging out with them. But they said nothing to her and Brittany sighed in relief as she stepped into study hall, hating the fact that the day was going so slow that it was only fourth period.

~ * ~

Brittany rolled her eyes. "D*mn locker," she muttered, when her locker jammed again and she couldn't open it to retrieve her math book. She turned to her side to find a guy to help her and tapped the shoulder of the guy standing next to her, "Hi, could you-" sh*t, he was a jock. "Nevermind."

"No, it's fine - What'd you need?" Zack smiled, and Brittany felt herself melting.

"My-my locker..."

He chuckled, "These things are f*cked." He had her enter her combination and then he pounded on it two times with his fist. Lifting the latch, he smiled as it opened.

"Thanks," Brittany spoke softly.

"No problem," Zack grabbed his books and walked away, leaving Brittany staring after him in awe.

D*mn, he's fine.