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Cliques: Chapter 10

"Hey, Zack," Nick said, with a sleep-filled voice as he opened his locker, Zack at his, the next Monday.

Zack looked over, surprised someone, besides Brittany, was actually talking to him. "Hey, man. What's up?"

"Nothin', I'm exhausted. You?"

"Feelin' about the same way. So do you know why my sister came home crying yesterday? She never cries."

Nick suddenly remembered Zack's twin sister was Rachel. He'd completely forgotten. They never associated at school... it was an easy thing to forget.

"No, man. We seemed to have a really good time studying, I don't get why she'd be upset. Maybe something happened on the way home..." he knew he was lying... he knew she could have very easily been upset about him - exactly what she could have been upset about though? He didn't really know, but he suddenly felt concerned. He pushed the feeling away, telling himself that he could NOT get involved in the life of Rachel Larson. He'd lose everything. He admired Zack for what he'd done in giving up everything for Brittany... but he didn't think he could be that brave, that strong.

Zack nodded, "Alright..." he was about to say something further, but Brittany suddenly walked into the school. He looked at her and met her eye, before smiling gently.

Nick smirked, knowing they couldn't just be friends... not with little looks like that, "I'll see you later, man," he laughed, before walking off, talking to, and walking along with, some chick that came up to him.

Zack watched as Brittany walked up to him and smiled up at him. He hugged her as a hello, before asking how her morning was going. They'd hung out all weekend, and were now sort-of dating, but they still felt slightly awkward. They knew it was just because it was all new, and that they would get comfortable with it all soon.

"I'm good, you? Tired though... I wish the weekend wasn't over," she frowned.

"Yeah, I hear ya," he leaned down and kissed her gently, before standing back up again, "You wanna hang out tonight?"

"On a school night?" she grinned. "But my parents are home again," she laughed.

"Oh, c'mmon, we're Seniors. Live it up."

She nodded, "I'll sneak out if they say no... or maybe I just won't ask."

"Sounds good. Just don't go gettin' in trouble, on me," he smirked.

The bell suddenly rang, indicating that first period was starting. He walked her to her journalism class and left her outside the door, with a small kiss.

~ * ~

Brittany snuck out around 10, having told her mom she was going to bed. She walked across the street to the mall, not wanting to wake her mom and step-dad by starting the engine of her car. She sat down on a bench in front of the closed shopping strip and waited for Zack.

~ * Meanwhile * ~

Zack sprinted down his staircase, his hair nicely gelled in a sexy, tousled spike, his cologne not too strong to give you a head ache, but enough to make a girl's stomach tighten. He headed towards the front door, but suddenly heard crying coming from the family room. Stopping, his hand on the doorknob, he turned and walked into the adjoining room, seeing his sister sitting on the couch, her head in her hands.

"What's wrong, Rae?" he sat down next to her. He hadn't felt so much concern and care for his sister as he had since he'd lost all of his friends. Since he'd been treated the way his sister had.

Rae looked up at him with a tearful gaze, quickly wiping her tears from her eyes, "I'm fine, Zack."

"Are you sure? I told Britt I'd meet her in front of the mall, but I can call her cell, and stay home if you want."

"No no no, I'm fine, Zack. You can go," she smiled, knowing how much time he'd taken in getting ready.

"Are you positive? I'll stay, Rae. It's not a problem," his eyebrows scrunched in uncertainty.

She looked at him strangely, "I'm fine... get out of here, and have fun." She didn't understand why he suddenly cared so much... he never had before. If she seemed to recall correctly, he had been one of the ones making fun of her for years.

"Rae, I just want to say sorry for all the times-"

"Zack, it's fine."

He smiled down at her lovingly. How could one person, who had been hurt repeatedly, forgive so easily? "I love you," he said quietly, for the first time in years, before he bent down and kissed his twin sister gently on the forehead. "I'll be home later."

"I love you too, Zack," she whispered as she watched him leave.