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Cliques: Chapter 2

Rae shoved her bag into her locker, not bothering to take out the books that she would need for homework that night. Psh, it's not like she ever did any anyways. She'd much rather go to a Rage Against The Machine concert, or a club, playing strictly hard rock. If only her "f*cked up" parents (as she liked to refer to them as) were okay with that. They wanted her to get a tutor - she'd fighted them all the way on it, but they'd gone ahead and asked him to come that day, after school, ignoring her protests.

"Come home with your books!" her mother had said that morning as Rae had left for school (or penetentary... whichever you prefer). Yeah... Sure. What are books again?

~ * ~

Nick might've been the best player on the Varsity basketball team, but that didn't mean he wanted to pay somebody else to do his homework, like most jocks. Instead of having to get tutors - to keep his grades up, in order to stay on the b-ball team - he usually was the tutor. And today wasn't an exception.

Closing his locker, books in hand, he walked from the school, saying thank you, on the way, to those (which was the majority of the school) who congratulated him on his "excellent playing" in the game, the previous night. He offered curteous smiles and words of gratitude to his passing-by fans, always Mr. Polite.

Making it to the school parking lot, Nick got in his car and started the engine. He headed in the direction that his new "student"'s mother had instructed. He'd never heard of this Rae girl. Obviously she didn't hang with his group of friends. Oh well. As long as she wasn't one of those "freak"-types.