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Cliques: Chapter 3

Brittany closed her bedroom door and flopped down on her bed, yanking her backpack off of her shoulders. Ahhh, freedom. She unzipped her bag and pulled out her math book, opening it to her lesson. Attempting to solve problem 1, she grunted and closed the book, giving up for the time. She laid back and closed her eyes, just as the phone rang. "Hello?"

"Brittany? It's Elisa. I was just wondering what you got for number four in math?"

Brittany laughed, "Hey, Lis. Nothing at all. I haven't even started the lesson. Math blows and I'm set on procrastinating until I can't possibly procrastinate any further."

Lisa laughed, "Alright. I feel your pain, trust me. You excited for the school camp this weekend?"

"Excited? How can I possibly be excited for something that's mandatory AND costs fifty dollars. Our school is freakin' ridiculous."

"Haha, yea I agree. See you at school tomorrow?"

"You betcha. Later, chica."

"See ya, girl."

~ * ~

"It's so stupid, 'cause my parents have to pay $100 to send my sister and me to this dumb retreat thing," Ryan complained on the phone, to Zack.

"Yea, I know. By the way, what time will you be at school tomorrow?" Zack rubbed his eyes in exhaustion.

"Regular time, I think. I have to leave a little early to pick Brittany up and give her a ride to school. You know her, right?" Ryan had known Brittany his whole life. They'd even planned their wedding at the age of six... But uh, obviously that engagement didn't last.

"Yea, I think. She seems cool, I guess. Anyways, I was just wondering 'cause I gotta get there an hour early, to take my stupid Spanish re-take. Argh, I hate that f*ckin' class."

Ryan laughed, "Yea, I hear ya. Are you kicked off the team if you don't get this one?"

"Yup. I better go study, even though I'll probably flunk it anyways," Zack picked up his Spanish book, flipping to lesson #3.

"Alright. Well I hope you pass. The team would hate to lose ya."

"Thanks. See ya, man."


~ * ~

Brittany reapplied her lip gloss in the locker mirror that her and Aubrey had hung up earlier that morning. Hearing a banging behind her, she turned the locker door so that the mirror would reflect to the locker directly beside hers.

Zack stood at his locker, banging his head, repeatedly, against the door.

Slamming hers closed, Brittany turned and tapped his shoulder.

Zack looked over (and down, due to the height difference).

"Are you okay?" Brittany smirked, watching the red mark on his forehead ever-so-slowly fade.

"Huh? Oh... yeah, fine."

She made a 'yeah right' face, "Oo-kay."

Zack sighed, "I'm sorry. It's just... I flunked the RE-TAKE Spanish test and now I'm kicked off the soccer team until I raise my grade."

"Yikes. I'm sorry. I'd offer to help, but uh - I'm not too great in that class either."

He nodded, "Yea, I know. I handed you back your corrected paper once, remember?" he snickered, opening his locker and getting his math book out, to take it home.

Brittany laughed with a fake glare, "Shut the hell up! I'm getting better..." she trailed off defensively. ((I'm really not bad... I have an A in that class, okay?! lol Hola! Como esta?))

"A'ight," he laughed.

"Y'know, you could always... ask Nick Carter for help," Brittany spoke slyly.

Zack glared at her, before beginning to crack up, "I'm so sure - you know a guy can't ask another guy - let alone another jock - for help on school work."

"Yeah, yeah," she smirked. "Men!! See you later, Zack."

"Bye, Brittany."

Brittany walked to the parking lot and got in her car with a huge grin. She'd talked to him. To HIM! It's not every day that something like THAT happens.