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Cliques: Chapter 4

Nick stepped from his car and walked up the front steps, that lead to the front door of a beautiful, and rather large, country-victorian style home. Gorgeous flowers alined the walkway, and Nick wondered, as he waited for somebody to answer the door, if they paid for a landscaper or if Rae's mother was the gardening type.

The door opened, suddenly, a middle-aged woman standing on the other side, "Hi, you must be Nick?" she asked, a polite tone in her voice.

"Yep, that's me. You're Mrs. Larson, Rae's mother, correct?"

Mrs. Larson nodded, "Yes, I'm Rachel's mother. It's nice to meet you. Thank you so much for coming," she shook Nick's hand, before letting him into the house. "Unfortunately, Rachel's deciding to fight her father and I on this whole tutor idea, therefore when she came home from school today, she grabbed her jacket and left for her boat."

Nick's eyebrows rose, "Okay."

"I don't mean to be an inconvience to you, but I was thinking that you could maybe go down to the docks and try and talk her into letting you help her with her schooling? I would pay you extra, for the extra driving - and I understand completely if this is too much of a bother-"

"No no no, Mrs. Larson, it's perfectly fine," Nick smiled politely. "I have no problem with that, as long as you give me directions to the slip that her boat is in, of course..."

Mrs. Larson smiled, "Thank you so much, Nick."

~ * ~ 30 minutes later ~ * ~

Okay, they were obviously pretty well off. This 'boat' that she was on wasn't just any boat... it was a ship... a yacht... it was HUGE! Not only that, but hadn't Mrs. Larson said that she'd gone to her boat? HER boat? Oh boy.

Nick climbed aboard, quietly, and tapped on the doorway to the galley, "Hello?? Rachel??"

"Don't call me that," came a mutter from below, before the door was slid open and sure enough one of the 'freaks' was on the other side. Sure, she was pretty - behind the black gunk, which she called makeup, on her face.

Nick sighed. "I'm Nick. Sorry, what should I call you?"

"Rae. And I don't want f*ckin' help with my homework, so you can just leave."

Nick rolled his eyes, before climbing into the galley. This was going to be harder than he'd thought. D*mn freaks.