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Cliques: Chapter 6

Nick sighed as he stepped into his house, later that night. Rachel was a pain - plain and simple. She was rude the entire afternoon, as he tried helping her with her homework, and just as she'd almost begin to act interested, she'd suddenly throw out some sarcastic remark. He'd just about had it, and was about to strangle her to death, right there in her boat, when he realized their time was up, and he was done for the afternoon anyway. With a sigh of relief he'd stood up and stormed out of the boat, wishing to never have to go back there again. Yet, he knew he'd have to the next day.

Now he sat in his house, tapping his pencil against his Math book, at his bedroom desk. He was bored and was sick of doing homework. Finally giving up on even trying to concentrate he got in bed and fell asleep.

~ * The Next Day * ~

Rachel grabbed an apple, ran out the door, and hopped into her car. She was late for school again... like she really cared. Once she got to school she walked slowly to her locker. She couldn't even remember why she was going there - it's not like she ever got books out anyway. Then she remembered... she was going to put the books that she'd taken for her and Nick's study time BACK into the locker.

On her way there, she bumped into a tall figure, sending her, as well as her books, and her backpack, to the ground.

Nick looked down, with a cringe, "I'm so sorry..." then he realized it was Rachel. "Oh... sorry," he gave her his hand and helped her up.

She immediately retrieved her hand, "Thanks," she gave a glare and then walked away.

Nick sighed, "You're a b*tch, you know that Rachel??"

Rachel rolled her eyes, her back still to him as she put in her locker code, "It's 'Rae'... and I don't care. F*ck off. I'm not trying to impress you."

He opened his mouth to say something back, but suddenly didn't know what to say. So he flipped her off to her back and walked in the other direction.