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Cliques: Chapter 7

Shannon stood back and watched Brittany and Zack, standing by Brittany's locker, talking admantly together. Zack hadn't hung out with 'the group' for a few days now, and she was missing him greatly. They'd been great friends for many, many years, and sometimes she thought he was her only REAL friend. In her own small way she'd had a crush on him since the day she'd met him. She wasn't really like their group of friends... she felt bad when they made fun of others, she felt guilty. But she'd been excepted for some reason - maybe it was because she was a cheerleader - she didn't know - but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to stand up to her friends, like Zack had done... even if he'd only told them to shut up.

The group was confused. They didn't understand what was going on with Zack. Some were just curious as to why one of the most popular guys in school was suddenly hanging out with Brittany... but some now hated him... they'd disowned him. Shannon didn't care what they said, when it came to Zack... she loved him as a friend, as a guy, and for everything he was. And she was proud of him. He'd freed himself from the lifestyle of the popular kids. If only she didn't miss him so much.

~ * ~

"So do you wanna hit the movies tonight?" Zack asked, grabbing Brittany's article for the school news paper, for journalism class, from her and flipping through it as they walked down the school hallway towards the parking lot.

Brittany smiled up at him, grabbing her article back as they neared her car, "Sure, Zack. That'd be great. What time?"

"I'll check the movie listings and call ya... I'll see ya then, Britt."

She nodded, and hopped into the driver's seat, "See ya, sexy," she smirked, before driving away.

They'd become really close friends over the past couple days... sure, they flirted incessantly... but they were more friends than anything else. For now at least.