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Cliques: Chapter 8

Nick pulled into the marina parking lot, after school, already having gone to Rae's house, her Mom telling him apologetically that once again Rachel was on her boat. He guessed they'd be doing all of their tutoring sessions there. He parked his car, cut the engine, and hopped out, walking down to the docks.

~ * ~

Rae unlocked her boat, getting inside quickly, and closing the entrance behind her. She was out of breathe, so she sat down on the boat's couch. Some bum had followed her all the way from her house down to the docks. It had been a sunny day, like almost all in Florida, and she hadn't felt like driving so she'd walked instead. Now she was regretting it - she just hoped the guy would leave her alone.

Suddenly the boat rocked, indicating that somebody had gotten on it, and there was a loud knock at the entrance a moment later. She stood, her heart pounding, not knowing where to go. Maybe she could climb out of the hatch, in the V-birth.

Rae stood in front of the entrance, her breath caught in her throat, as the door suddenly opened. Raising her fist, she punched the guy straight in the mouth.

"Ow!! Gosh, Rae!" Nick's hand instinctively went to his mouth as pain shot through his lip.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Rachel gasped, grabbing his arm and pulling him inside, guiding him to the couch. "Nick, I'm sorry. Some guy was following me from my house. I thought it was him. Hang on! I'll go get something to clean you up with."

Nick sat there waiting as Rae went into the small bathroom to get a first-aid kit. She came back a moment later and got out a bottle of disinfectant. Taking a swab she poured some of the liquid onto it, before dabbing it on his lip gently. It wasn't too bad ~ it had a small cut that was bleeding lightly, but it would heal quickly.

Nick's eyes looked up towards her as she cleaned his lip with concentration, her eyebrows scrunched. She looked cute, Nick thought at the moment. He hadn't thought of her in that way before - she was too much of a brat. But she was an attractive person - lose the black nail polish and all - but her personality, was usually so unattractive. Why was she suddenly being so nice? Just because she felt bad, he guessed, but why would she even feel that?

Rae, feeling Nick's eyes on her, looked down at him, her face suddenly blushing a light crimson.


This time she didn't correct him and tell him her name was 'Rae,' "Yeah?"

"Do you have any math questions today?"

She shook her head no, before turning and beginning to put the first-aid kit back together.

Nick nodded and stood, "Okay, then I should get going," he grabbed his coat, heading for the boat entrance.

"Nick?" Rae called after him quietly.

He turned around to face in her direction again, "Yeah?"

Rachel paused, suddenly changing her mind, "I'm uh, sorry about your lip..."

"It's okay," he shrugged. "Thanks for cleaning it up."

He had to get out of there. He had to get away from her, before he did something he'd regret. Nick turned around and left.