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Cliques: Chapter 9

Zack picked Brittany up at 7, that night, and drove them to the local movie theater. They'd decided to see The Family Man, starring Nicolas Cage, which had just come out, because Brittany was dying to see it... Nicolas Cage was her favorite actor and she was "totally in love with him."

"You know, if you want I can just leave and leave you here with Nicolas," Zack joked before opening the door to the theater that was showing the show and ushering her in with his hand on the small of her back.

Brittany looked behind her, at him, a flirtatious smirk on her face as they headed towards two seats in the middle of the theater, "Do I sense some jealousy coming from you, Mr. Larson? But I thought we were just friends," she feigned naivety.

"We are-" he sat down next to her, "-I think, but usually when a guy takes a girl to a movie, he's wanting her to only notice him the whole night."

She looked up at him with serious eyes, "Is that so. Well, then I'll only look at you all night, Zack."

He looked down at her, his eyes lightening, "Well, won't that make it hard for you to watch the movie?"

"No," Brittany shrugged. "I can look at a guy and not swoon at his good looks, because there's a guy sitting next to me that's making my knees turn to mush."

Zack stared at her, intently, before clearing his throat, "Gosh, it's hot in here."

She stood from her seat, grabbing her wallet and beginning to inch past him, "I'm gonna go get us some popcorn and a Coke."

He grabbed her hand, making her stop in front of him, "I'll go..."

"No, I'm perfectly capable," Brittany smiled down at him.

Zack quickly reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet, "Then take this, at least."

She shook her head "no."

"Brittany," he sighed, wanting her to take it. "Please."

Brittany took a deep breath and took the wallet from his fingers. She leaned down and kissed his cheek gently, before walking past him and into the lobby.

Zack sighed, straightening out in his chair. The girl sitting a few seats down from him smirked at him knowingly. He let out a laugh, before sitting easily and waiting for Brittany to return.

~ * Later That Night * ~

Zack walked Brittany to her door, just before midnight. "Are your parents gonna be mad that it's so late?" he asked worriedly. He'd never met her parents before, he didn't know their rules, and he didn't want to make a bad impression so soon.

"Nah, it's Friday," Brittany smiled. "Plus, they're out of town."

He smirked, "Lucky you. Well, hey - thanks for keeping your eyes on me tonight, it makes a guy feel good."

"Well, what are friends for?"

"Especially your only friend."

The smile in Brittany's eyes left, "Zack, you know that isn't true."

"Brittany, it's always been true. They never were my friends."

Brittany sighed, "Not even that Shannon girl?"

"Britt," Zack's eyes clouded.


"Nothing, nevermind. I don't want to go over this with you, for fear of losing my only friend," he gave a light smile.

"So I'm just supposed to carry the guilt of you having given that life up for me??" she suddenly felt warm in the Florida temperature. Was this about to turn into an argument?

"Guilt?" Zack laughed in spite of himself. "What would you be guilty for?? It wasn't much of a life, Brittany. You didn't take anything from me, alright? And even if there had been any part of a life in that group, I have a feeling I would have given it up for your friendship anyways," his thumb ran along her cheek and jaw bone, lightly and carefully.

Brittany could feel a light tremor in his touch, "Zack, I'm not worth that," her eyes watered as she turned her head and lightly kissed the palm of his hand.

"Sure, you are," he whispered. "I better get going and let you get to bed."

She wished he wouldn't. She wished he could stay forever, but she knew he had to leave. Zack leaned down to kiss her cheek, but suddenly Brittany turned her face, capturing his lips with hers. He was surprised at first, but after a moment he kissed her back with all his emotions that had been built up for so long.

After pulling away, minutes later, Brittany grabbed his hand shaking in hers, "What boundary did I just cross there?"

Zack looked down at her, a deep expression on his face, "I don't know... but I hope it was a big one."

He didn't have to explain himself or add anything more to it ~ Brittany knew what he meant as he gave her one more light kiss and walked slowly to his car.

She smiled as she watched him drive away, with the hope that he would call her in the morning.