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My Covergirl: Prologue

Nick stepped from the venue into the cool air. He subconsciously pulled his jacket tighter around his body as he glanced down the busy New York street, wondering where he should go. He'd just ditched his bodyguard--knowing he'd get an earful from Kevin later--in order to go and have some lunch by himself. He was sick of being around people, and as he looked at it: It's New York... famous people walk around New York all the time, and no one notices them. He took off down the sidewalk, looking at the menu outside of every restaurant, but nothing sounded good to him. Finally giving up on eating, he sat down on a bench and sighed, watching everybody walk by. It had always seemed funny (not ha ha funny) to him to watch hundreds of people walk around with determined looks on their faces. Everybody had somewhere to go, and he'd caught himself wondering more than once where that somewhere was. He sighed as he sat back farther against the bench, just watching the world around him.

~ * ~

Raphaella glanced down at her schedule with a sigh. She had so much to do that day. She had three photo shoots (one with Cosmo, one with Elle, and another with Mademoiselle) left to do that day, and she'd already done one with Allure. It was only noon, and she was already tired and worn out. She'd stayed up late on the phone with her mother the night before... you see, her mother was a worrier, and she'd been worrying about her daughter because she hadn't called in a while. It wasn't that Raphaella didn't want to talk to her mother, it was just that she was extremely busy lately. With a sigh Raphaella stood up as someone came into the dressing room at Cosmo magazine, telling her they were ready for her.