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You're Everywhere: Chapter 1

Nick Carter slapped his friend upside the head as he entered the studio, on a hot, late August afternoon.

"What was that for?!" AJ shrieked, turning around in his swivel chair. "Geez, you're gone all summer, and you get back and hit me on the head. What a nice 'hello.' You're so weird when you come back from that lodge place..."

Nick shrugged and sat down next to him, looking through the window at Brian, who was recording a song, "Calm down, Alexis. Don't get your panties in a ruffle. It WAS a hello... a hello slap. Never heard of them?"

AJ rolled his eyes. "So how was your vacation? What DO you do up there by yourself? I don't get that."

Nick leaned back in his chair with a sigh, thinking of Rayne, the girl he'd been visiting at a practically desolate lake, for three years now. The only thing at the lake was this huge lodge that treated you like you were a king. Rayne worked there, and her and Nick had been having a secret relationship since the first time they'd met. Unfortunately, this vacation hadn't been the best. "Nothing, Age. It's just an escape. You know how it is."

AJ shrugged, "I guess, man. I guess."

~ * ~

Nick stepped inside his house and threw his backpack down in the entryway. He stretched his arms above his head, his muscles sore from working out earlier that day. He headed towards the bathroom to take a shower, but stopped as he noticed the machine was blinking, indicating a message.

~ * ~

Rayne looked at the phone debating on whether or not to call him... she missed him so much. She wished she hadn't given him the ultimatum that she had. She wished she'd just given him a little time... but it hurt that he wouldn't take their relationship a step farther... or at least tell people about her. Was she not good enough for him?


"Nick... I... I don't see this going anywhere. You won't even tell anybody about me. I just... If you're not going to do anything about this relationship, I don't think it should continue," Rayne's eyes filled with tears at the thought of never seeing him again, or holding him, or hugging him, or kissing him... her heart broke.

Nick sighed, not knowing what his problem was, why he couldn't just commit to this girl that he loved so incredibly much, why he couldn't just forget all the women that had come before her who had hurt him so deeply. He looked at her with sorrow-filled eyes, "I sure hope I don't regret this later... I love you... but I just can't..." he gave her one last look, before exiting her room.

~ * ~ End Flashback ~ * ~

Rayne sighed and laid down on her bed, still staring at the telephone.

~ * ~

Nick pressed the play button, hoping, praying to God that it was Rayne.

"Nick, it's your mother! How are you, sweetie?? Give me a call, okay? I haven't talked to you in so long!"

He sighed, "Great, that's just great."

Nick began to walk away, towards the staircase, to go and take a shower, but just then the phone began to ring.