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You're Everywhere: Chapter 2


Rayne took a deep breath, hearing his voice, "I just wanted to make sure you got there safely."

Nick's heart seemed to jump out of his chest, "Rayne! Oh gosh... Oh! Wow..."

She rolled her eyes, as she pulled her knees up to her chest on the couch, "Calm yourself."

"I... I didn't think you would be calling," his voice seemed to get quieter.

"Like I said... I just wanted to make sure you got home alright. I'll talk to you later, Nick... or maybe I won't."

"Wait! Rayne... please don't do that."

She suddenly felt her blood boil. She was in love with this man, he was throwing what they had away, and he was expecting her 'not to do this.' "Nick, what do you expect me not to do?! I need you here with me... I love you."

Nick shuddered. It's not as though he hadn't heard her speak the words... he'd even said them himself... yet, she sounded so heartbroken. "I'm sorry, Ray... I love you... please believe me."

"No! I can't believe you... you're not showing me you love me!"

"I've tried as best as I can!! I can't do this with you, Rayne! I can't!! I just can't!"

Rayne pressed her fingers to her forehead, feeling another migraine coming on, "Well, I can't talk to you right now... Bye, Nick."

"No! Please don't go!"

The line was already dead.

~ * ~

Nick looked outside at the rain pouring down, hitting his pool and making small splashes. It was horrible weather, especially for Florida... it was stormy, and muggy, and the weather almost seemed to mirror Nick's feelings.

Oh-oh-oh-oh, Healing waters... Oh-oh-oh-oh, Healing waters... Solace flows through the river of forgiveness to my soul... Ohh, I need you, healing waters

He shuddered as the phone rang for the fifth time that night. He glanced towards his caller ID, finding that it was Brian. Quickly lifting the phone from it's cradle, he set it back down again, hanging up on his best friend. He didn't want to talk. Not now. He was in love with Rayne... but he had one problem... he really didn't know how to love.

...And are you there, feeling the same as I? Whispering love songs to the lonely sky And though I don't know where you are I know you must be there So for now, I'll lay me down to sleep and dream And maybe tomorrow...

I'll kiss the air that covers you I'll watch the moonlight dance in your eyes I'll hold you safely in my arms Maybe tomorrow you'll be mine

-Maybe Tomorrow, by Nouveaux

~ * ~

First Song Credit: Healing Waters, by Michelle Tumes