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The Freshmen: Part 1

Nick stared into oblivion, the darkness of his confinements great. He tossed a dime into the air, listening for the ping of its fall to the ground below. With nothing better to do, and no hope of a return from this abyss, he rolled onto his hands and knees and ran his hands across the smooth and cold cement ground, in search of the dime. As he searched and searched for the small round item, his mind began to wander, much like it had done for the past 6 years. It wandered back to the days when his mind was haunted in much the same way, but with a hope of returning.

~ * ~ 7 years before ~ * ~

Nick looked over at his girlfriend, California, and smiled weakly, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

California simply continued to stare at him until Nick shook her shoulder gently.

"Cali, what is it??"

"Nick, you sounded as though you had a really bad dream last night ... you were talking in your sleep and I... I'm really confused ... and scared," Cali finally admitted, her lower lip trembling.

Nick took a deep breath, his heart pounding rapidly. This was the first time he'd allowed someone to spend the night, for fear of this exact thing. He still had nightmares every night, and he knew he had a problem with talking in his sleep when the dreams would get really bad. "Cali..." Nick stood and leaned across the kitchen table, his hands resting against it, holding him up as his eyes blazed deeply into hers. They looked as though they were on fire. "I want you to forget everything you heard me say ... do you understand me?! Everything!"

California choked back her tears as she nodded her head in fear. She bit her lip so hard that it began to bleed as Nick left the room quickly. She was shaking so hard she had to support her body by holding onto the table tightly. In a few seconds, she was sobbing hysterically.

~ * ~ 5 years before ~ * ~

15-year-old Nick Carter looked over at his friend skeptically. They were standing outside of the house of one of the most popular Junior's at their small Jamestown, New York high school. You could hear the loud music from the lawn, where they stood, excited yet fearful. They'd never been to a party like this. They were only freshmen.

"I don't know, Brian. I don't know if we should do it," Nick ribbed his best friend with his elbow. "It doesn't look like a party freshmen should be at."

"Oh, calm down, Nick. You worry too much. No one will even notice we're there."

~ * ~ 12 years later [present time] ~ * ~

Nick's hand grazed across the dime. It'd landed in the corner this time. He leaned up against the wall and sat quietly as his thoughts returned to the here and now. He wondered how Brian was doing--no better than he could be. With his eyes closed, he tossed his dime into the air once more, but this time he gave himself a few minutes before beginning his search. He felt like a forty-year-old man, and it was a frightful thought every time he'd remember he was no more than 27 years old. He hadn't been the same since the age of 15. The night that had determined his future.