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The Freshmen: The Story: Part 8

Nick stood with the rest of the courtroom as the jury filed back inside, taking their own assigned seats. Amity and California held his hands in their own to show their support and Nick had never known two stronger and more forgiving women in his entire life. He silently thanked the Lord for the both of them and gently squeezed their hands in a way of saying 'thank you for being here.' They both understood and squeezed back.

"We, the people of the jury, have reached a verdict."

Nick lowered his head and began to breathe deeply as the man continued.

"We find the defendant, Nickolas Gene Carter, not guilty of first degree murder in the death of Katrina Lynn Carter..."

Nick squeezed Amity's hand in his again, not knowing that she had named their child. Tears began to flow freely from his eyes.

"...not guilty of accompanying Mr. Brian Thomas Littrell in the death of Hattie Marie Robins, and guilty of the beatings of Amity Lynn Knox."

The courtroom was full of loud murmurs as everybody began to wonder aloud what sentence Nick would receive. The judge told everybody to take their seats and become silent, and then he looked to Nick and their eyes met, Nick's full of tears.

"The jury has spoken," the judge finally said, still looking at Nick. "And now I'm stuck with the job of telling you your future. You have been charged not guilty with the first degree murder of your daughter, Mr. Carter. But it is known that you killed her. When a person has definitely killed a person, but still not charged with first degree murder, it means that that person was not completely aware of the actions that they were taking. You have been charged not guilty with the accusation of you and Mr. Littrell conspiring against Miss Hattie Robins. That's not much of a surprise to me -- I didn't feel that there was much of a case against you and Mr. Littrell about that death. And you have been charged guilty for the beatings that nearly left Miss Amity Knox dead. Surprisingly that same woman testified for you in a statement that saved your life. Because today, I sentence you to 10 years in prison, with the chance of being released earlier, once severe counseling and mind evaluations have been completed."

Nick heaved a sigh of relief and continued to breathe deeply as the realization of not getting life in prison hit him. The judge stood and left, his decision being final, and the entire courtroom erupted in noise. The security guards allowed Nick a few moments to say good-bye to his family and friends before they would take him back to prison.

Nick hugged his family and thanked them for their statements. They were all crying and they didn't know if it was because Nick had to go back to prison for a possible 10 years, or if it was because they were happy he hadn't gotten life. They all promised to visit him whenever they were allowed to, and Nick told them that he would look forward to it every week. After telling them he loved them and giving all of them one more hug, he moved onto California.

California smiled up at him and touched his cheek gently, "I know you were frightened," was all she whispered up to him before engulfing him in her arms.

Nick began to cry as they hugged each other and when they pulled away he saw the tears in her eyes, "Thank you so much, Cal."

She smiled weakly again before kissing his cheek, "There was no way I could let them think that way of you. I promise I'll come and see you every week."

"Thank you," Nick nodded and kissed her forehead gently. He watched her leave and then turned around, looking for Amity. He'd begun to think she had left when she suddenly stood in front of him, her big eyes full of joy and no regret for the decision that she had made that day.

Without words they threw their arms around each other and held each other firmly.

"There's so much I want to say to you that I can't even think of one of them," Nick whispered, pulling away and looking down at her gentle face.

Amity nodded, completely understanding, "I know, Nick. Same here. The only thing that I can think of is this one thing ... I forgive you. You apologized, and I forgive you, and you must carry that with you. Please don't continue to carry your guilt around with you. Don't become numb to the situation -- that's not what I'm saying at all -- but don't carry this with you for the rest of your life. I forgive you, and so does Katrina."

Nick began to cry again and Amity quickly wiped his tears away. "Thank you," Nick whispered, for a million reasons that he couldn't even express at the moment.

~ * ~

Nick returned to prison and began his counseling that day. Knowing that Amity had forgiven him and gone to such lengths to make sure that Nick didn't get life, gave him the strength to live out his sentence. But he ended up not having to, because 2 years later his counselor and mind evaluator had seen nothing violent, and nothing but remorse in his eyes and words for all that he had done. He was released at the age of 28. He had spent a total of 8 1/2 years in prison.

Because of the surprising statement that Amity had given that day, the courts and judges of Florida had begun to rethink Brian's last trial, and the now seemingly unjust sentence that he had received. He was given the chance to have a retrial, which he accepted. California testified again and this time Amity did also. He had already spent 6 1/2 years in prison for a crime that he never committed ... the "murder" of Hattie. And he had definitely paid for the beatings of Amity, and the jury noted that. He was released from his sentence that day.