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I see you passing by I don't know where I don't know why You choose to go the way That you're goin' now

You've been a friend of mine For many years, for a long time, But you just aren't you today So what's on your mind

You just won't speak about it Think about it, be about it Gotta make yourself aware That you're goin' astray You're trying so hard to fit in

What you need is something genuine What you want is something real What you need is something truthful I know you do, I know you do, I know you do 'Cause I need it too What you need, what you need What you want, what you want What you need, what you need Something genuine

You cry yourself to sleep - Sleep at night But once the night is gone And you prepare to face a brand new day You hide yourself behind That mastermind you're in disguise

It's as if you try to put a mask on your pain You don't know who you are, What you're about Where are you now You're becoming someone That you don't want to be You're trying so hard to fit in

What you need is something genuine What you want is something real What you need is something truthful I know you do, I know you do, I know you do 'Cause I need it too What you need, what you need What you want, what you want What you need, what you need Something genuine

He loves you for who you are now And who you will be Don't fear living - in truth there's reality I don't have all the answers, But I know one who does And I know there's freedom and truth I go to him because

What you need is something genuine I know you do What you need is something truthful - Genuine I know you do, I know you do, I know you do 'Cause I need it too What you need, what you need What you want, what you want What you need, what you need Something genuine

What he has is something genuine Who he is is someone real What he gives is something truthful It's what he has - it's who he is - It's what he gives And I need him too

What you need, what you need I need him too What you want, what you want What you need, what you need Something genuine


Aislinn sighed as she stepped into the house that she owned with her boyfriend, Nick. She'd just gotten back from shopping, a movie, and lunch with a friend of hers that she'd known for a long time. She hadn't seen Addisyn for half of a year, so their day out was a time of catching up for them. Unfortunately, Addy had changed a lot since the last time that Aislinn had seen her. And Aislinn had a feeling she knew why. Addisyn was searching for the love that she'd never gotten from her father. Aislinn had been in that situation before.

It clicked, as Aislinn walked up the staircase to change into some more comfortable clothes: Nick had been the one to save her from her love searching.

Maybe I can help Addisyn out, Aislinn thought as she slipped off her shoes.

Chapter 1... Bobbie Blue...

"Nicky, please... I'm begging you. All you have to do is go down to the club and talk to her - you're good at that. You made ME realize that I could be loved by a guy for more than my body. Just... talk to her," Aislinn begged with puppy dog eyes.

Nick sighed, finally giving in, "Fine, Ais. I'll go to the club tonight - but if anyone sees me walkin' into a strip club, I'm dead as far as the media goes. Since when have you started befriending strippers, anyway?"

"Nick," Aislinn looked at him warningly. "You know full well that she just recently became one - and that's OBVIOUSLY part of the reason why someone needs to talk to her. So, thanks for agreeing to be that someone!" She pecked his lips, before running out the door to go to work. She'd be working evenings the entire week.

Nick groaned and trudged up the stairs, dreading that night. If anybody saw him step foot into the strip club, he was dead.

This is an awfully weird assignment for a girlfriend to send her boyfriend on, Nick thought as he walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

~ That Night ~

Nick pulled his hat down a little lower as he walked into the club. The first noise to be heard was the howling, whistling, and laughing coming from the old, drunk, and desperate men.

Nick took a seat in the back, just as "Sexy Selena" finished up on stage.

"And now," began the announcer. "The bodaceous Bobbie Blue graces us with her presence."

Nick gulped. This was it. Aislinn had told him what Addisyn's stage name was, earlier that night. But as Addisyn - or "Bobbie Blue" - stepped onto the stage in very little clothing (which was all blue), Nick's jaw dropped. He gulped. Aislinn hadn't told him how absolutely gorgeous Addisyn was.

This is gonna be a long night, Nick thought to himself as Addisyn discarded her top.

Chapter 2... Are You Addisyn?

"Excuse me, are you Addisyn?" Nick asked, approaching her later that night in the alley behind the strip club, as she stepped from the back door to head home.

"Go away, I don't do private shows," Addisyn replied, without casting even a glance at him, as she continued to walk in the direction of her apartment. "How'd you know my name, anyways?!"

Nick laughed, quietly, "Uhh... first of all, I don't want a private show. Um, secondly, I'm Aislinn's boyfriend."

Addisyn stopped walking and turned around, looking at him, "Well, I've never seen Aislinn's boyfriend, so I guess I have no proof of that, now do I?"

Sighing, Nick pulled out his wallet, taking out a picture of he and Aislinn, "Would you like to come get a cup of coffee with me?"

She made a weird face, "Uhh... is there a reason why? It's not every day my friend's boyfriend's come from out of no where, asking to take me to coffee. You didn't see the show, by chance, did you??" her face flushed.

"Um, yeah, I did," a light blush crept onto his own face. "But anyways... Aislinn asked me to come and talk to you a little bit. She said I'd never met you before and now since you and Aislinn sort of 'reunited' I should get to know you."

Addisyn sighed, "All right. I'm just really tired though, so if I start making no sense..."

"I hear ya. I'll drive," Nick twirled his car keys around his finger, while leading her to the parking lot that held his car.

~ * ~

In the restaurant, Nick ordered a side order of fries and two hot chocolates.

"I thought you said coffee," Addisyn said quietly with a small smile.

Nick smirked, "I did. But I changed my mind. You can't possibly tell me that horrible diner coffee sounds better than really good hot chocolate with whipped cream."

"No, I guess not," she looked down, playing with her napkin.

"You shy all of a sudden?" he chuckled. "Not more than 30 minutes ago you had a little attitude and now you're all quiet and sh*t."

Addisyn laughed, "Sorry... Anyway, what'd you want to talk to me about?"

"Oh, um," Nick cleared his throat, trying to think of where to start off. "Well..."

~ * ~

Addisyn stormed out of the restaurant, letting the door slam behind her. Shoving her hands deep inside her pockets, she began to make her way in the direction of her apartment complex.

"Addisyn, wait!" Nick called, running from the restaurant and sprinting after her. "I didn't mean to offend you, honestly. It's just... Aislinn's really concerned. We just wanted to make sure that you understand... that um..."

"That my body isn't the only thing people can love me for?! Save it, Nick, I've heard it before. But that doesn't mean I'm gonna believe it. You know, everyone's so quick to say it, but no one's ever shown it to me!"

Nick sighed, while looking down, "I would've shown it to you," he whispered.

Addisyn looked at him with cold eyes, "What about your girlfriend?!"

"Addisyn... Please just let me take you home, at least. It's not safe for you to walk by yourself at night, and Ais would kill me if I let you do that."

She didn't answer, but instead turned the other direction and walked towards his car. Nick followed and unlocked her door for her. He opened her door and gestured for her to get inside. Closing the door behind her, Nick walked to the other side of the car and got in, putting his seat belt on, and starting the engine.

~ * ~

Nick, having insisted upon walking Addisyn to her apartment door (to make sure that she got in safely), followed her up the stairs to the second floor. A look of worry grew on Addisyn's face as they reached her door, to see a man standing there, slipping a piece of paper into her door handle. Then she realized he was her landlord, whom she'd only met once in her 2 months of living there.

"Excuse me?" Addisyn asked quietly. "Can I help you?"

The man turned around, after jumping slightly, "Oh! I'm sorry... Are you Miss Alexander?"

"Yeah, that's me."

"I'm really sorry to tell you this, ma'am. But you'll have to move from the apartment complex. The police found a bunch of drugs in your apartment."

"Those are not mine!" she insisted, in fear that he was going to have her hauled off to prison.

"No, we know that, Miss. But do you know that you were housing a drug dealer?"

Addisyn's eyes grew wide, "What? No. Mike would never..." she faded off, realizing that wasn't true. She hardly knew him. Of course he was capable of that.

"I'm sorry, ma'am. But I have to ask you to leave. You have until Saturday to move out," with that, he walked away.

Addisyn sighed, "Great. That's just great," she muttered, before unlocking her door and stepping inside. "Holy f*ck!!"

Nick came up behind her and looked inside, "Oh, sh*t."

"I'll kill that b*stard! I knew I couldn't trust him!" she yelled, referring to Mike.

Her apartment was trashed. It was obviously the work of the police, while searching for the drugs, but it was because of Mike that there were drugs there in the first place.

Addisyn sighed, before plopping down on the floor, in the midst of all of her stuff strewn about, "Thanks for the drive home, Nick. Maybe I'll see ya around sometime."

Nick sighed, "Addy, you can't stay here... It's trashed. We can come and start packing your things this week and have it all out by Saturday. Come live with Aislinn and me. We'd love to have you."

Chapter 3... Getting Situated...

Addisyn got out of Nick's car and stood next to her door, watching as Nick locked the car up with the automatic key chain door locker. As they walked up the path, lit by fancy pathway lights, to the front door, Addisyn spoke, "Nice house. By the way... 'Addy'??"

Nick chuckled, "Sorry... Do you not like being called that?" he unlocked the front door and guided her inside, not waiting for an answer. "Aislinn??" he called through the house, but got no response. "Huh, odd. She should be home by now."

"Your answerin' machine's blinking. Maybe it's her," Addisyn suggested, before taking the liberty of pressing the little black 'play' button.

"Hey, Nicky poo! It's your one and only... Yeah, that's right- Aislinn. Anyhoo... I had to work 3 extra hours tonight, 'cause they were short employees, so I'm gonna stay the night at Gemma's, 'cause it's too long of a drive home and it's hella late and I'd probably fall asleep at the wheel and then die some horrifying, tragic way," her laughter then filtered through the machine, making Nick smile. "I love you, honey. I'll be home early tomorrow morning. See you then, sexy."

When the machine beeped, indicating the end of the message, Addisyn smirked, "'Nicky poo'??"

Nick laughed, "Shut up."

~ * ~

"So I guess this is where you can live for now," Nick spoke, opening the door to one of the guest rooms. "We have other guestrooms, but this is the nicest."

Addisyn nodded, "It's nice. I'm content here."

He smiled, "Cool..."

Addisyn stepped into the room, looking around at her surroundings, before dropping the suitcase, with her clothes for the next day and her toiletries, down on the bed. Nick had promised that he'd go back with her to her apartment the next day to begin packing her things. Laying down on the bed, she sprawled out on her back before closing her eyes, tiredly. It was a few minutes later when she opened them to see Nick still standing in the doorway, watching her.

"Do you just like looking at me, or were you sticking around to see a repeat performance of what you saw tonight at Deja Vu, while I get ready for bed?" Addisyn smirked jokingly.

Nick glared at her playfully, a slight blush creeping into his cheeks, "Shut up," he laughed. "I'll go to bed. I just spaced. You have everything you need? Feel free to take a shower, if you want one... the bathroom's connected to the bedroom, through that door," he pointed.

"Are you saying I stink?"

"Not at all, Addy. Not at all."

"G'night," Addisyn laughed.

"Night, chica."

Should this story continue? E-mail me and give suggestions!