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Your House: The Story

I went to your house I walked up the stairs I opened your door without ringing the bell I walked down the hall Into your room, where I could smell you

And I shouldn't be here Without permission I shouldn't be here

Would you forgive me, love? If I dance in your shower Would you forgive me, love? If I laid in your bed Would you forgive me, love? If I stay all afternoon, ohh

I took off my close Put on your robe Went through your drawers And I found your cologne Went down to the den Found your CDs And I played your Johnny

And I shouldn't stay long You might be home soon I shouldn't stay long

Would you forgive me, love? If I dance in your shower Would you forgive me, love? If I laid in your bed Would you forgive me, love? If I stay all afternoon, ohh

I burned your insence I ran a bath I noticed a letter that sat on your desk It said: Hello, love, I love you so, love Meet me at midnight

And no, it wasn't my writing I better go soon It wasn't my writing

So forgive me, love If I cry in your shower So forgive me, love For the salt in your bed So forgive me, love If I cry all afternoon, ohh

-Your House, by Alanis Morissette (CD: Jagged Little Pill)... Hidden track

Ashley stepped into her boyfriend's house, wondering when he'd be getting home. She hadn't seen him in what felt like centuries... maybe it'd only been a couple months, but when you're in love a couple months IS a couple centuries.

"Why can't you just be a normal guy, Nicky," she muttered to herself, heading towards his bedroom.

She had this odd feeling that she shouldn't be there. It didn't make any sense to her - they'd been dating for a couple months and she'd been to his house many times while he wasn't home. After all, he's the one that'd given her the key. Why did it feel so wrong that day?

It was a half an hour later, when Ashley had just finished making dinner for herself and for Nick. He should have been home by now, from tour, but she wasn't worried... traveling arrangements often got screwed up, leaving Nick's schedule a few hours off.

Ashley walked up the stairs, leaving the food simmering at low temperature on the stove, and back to Nick's room to change into a pair of his pajamas - she felt uncomfortable in her business-like outfit, that she'd been wearing at work that day. As she pulled open the drawer that held Nick's boxers, she noticed a nicely written letter sitting on top of his dresser.

She picked it up and read it's words... it was a love letter... and she hadn't written it. Dropping the note to the ground, tears formed in Ashley's eyes as she ran quickly from the bedroom and down the stairs. She didn't even bother to turn the stove off as she opened the front door and stepped outside, slamming the door behind her. Leaning against the front door, she slowly slid down until she was sitting against it, as tears coursed down her face.