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How Did I Fall in Love With You? Chapter 10: Quit Saying That

~ * ~ The next morning; 8:00 a.m. ~ * ~

"So," Leah looked over the top of her menu at Howie. She'd asked him to take her to breakfast, because she needed somebody to talk to, and who better than a friend of Nick's and the person she loved to go to restaurants with? "Talk to Nick lately?"

Howie looked at her strangely, "Um, yeah, I guess. Nothing in depth, why?"

"Ohh, I dunno... Just wondering what's wrong with him."

Howie laughed, "Lee, you're his best friend and you always know what's going on in that boys head. What makes this time so different? What happened?"

Leah sighed, "I don't know, D. It's just - I was hanging out with all you guys yesterday in Leavenworth, y'know? And Nick got all pissed at me. We ended up getting into a fight last night at the hotel. He told me that I'm his friend, not your guys'."

"I see." A slow smile began to form on Howie's face. "So you're finally seeing it. The jealous side of Nick. Leah, can I tell you something?"

"Sure," she shrugged, stirring her spoon around in her coffee.

Howie sat there for a minute, before leaning forward, "He's in love with you, Lee."

"What?! Howie, that's insane! We're best friends and I'm 5 years younger than him! Plus I'm only 17!"

"So what, Lee? Nick's been in love with you since day one."

"I don't believe that for a second," Leah sighed as the waitress began to make her way towards them. "Let's drop it, Howie. Let's just drop it."

~ * ~ 2:30 p.m. ~ * ~

Leah was exhausted. After breakfast with Howie, she'd gone shopping with AJ and had the same conversation and he'd told her the same thing, and then she'd played basketball with Brian where they'd had the same conversation and he'd told her the same thing. Walking into the hotel she watched Brian head towards the elevators so he could go and get ready for rehearsals. The concert was that night, and Leah was beyond excited, but she wished she hadn't done so much that day. She was awfully tired. Plopping down in one of the chairs in the lounge, she noticed Kevin was sitting in the chair beside her.

"Hey, Lee, you look exhausted," he raised his eyebrows at her with a small smile. "The Boys been dragging you around with them all day?"

"Yep. Breakfast, shopping, basketball. What have you been up to?" she sighed and placed her feet up onto the coffee table in front of her, not caring if it was a ritzy hotel or not -- she was tired and glamour no longer intimidated her.

"Sounds like Howie, AJ, and Brian," Kevin smiled as Leah nodded. "I've just been hanging out. Now I'm waiting for the guys to get down here so we can head to the Tacoma Dome for sound check and stuff. You're coming with, right?"

"Of course."

"So... Question for ya."

Leah looked over at him quizzically, "Yeah, Kev?"

"How come there was no Nick in your agenda today?"

She sighed, knowing that was coming sooner or later, "Nick's mad at me."

"Why's that?! I thought I'd never see the day!" he chided with her.

Leah laughed, with a roll of the eyes, then grew serious, "He doesn't like me hanging out with you guys. We got in a fight last night about it." She was surprised to see the broad grin playing its way across Kevin's face. "You think that's good?" she laughed.

"No, not precisely. It's just... Leah, did you have this conversation with Howie, AJ, and Brian?"


"And what did they say?"

Leah grimaced, "That Nick's in love with me. Don't worry, I told them all to shut up-"

"Don't worry? Leah, I'm about to tell you the same thing."

"What?! Oh gosh, not you too. Kevin, you've always been the one with your head on straight. Don't tell me that you've been deceived too," she stood up quickly, surprised at the words that had come out of this wise man's mouth.

"Lee, I'm serious here."

Leah sighed as all of the guys began to make their way towards them, having just stepped from the elevator together. She kept her eyes from Nick and walked over to Brian, leaving the hotel by his side.

"You okay?" Brian placed his arm around her shoulder comfortingly. The look on her face was anything but happy.

"Brian, he doesn't love me and I'm sick of hearing that he does."

Brian sighed, "Alright, Leah. We won't say it anymore. C'mmon, just forget about it if you want to. I want you to have fun at the concert."

"Okay. Thanks, Bri."

They had to be wrong. Nick couldn't love her. It was impossible.